
The Harlem Renaissance

  • Migration from Southern rural states

    Migration from Southern rural states
    In between 1890 and 1920 about two million African Americans migrated from rural Southern states to Northern cities. They were hoping to find better opportunities and get rid of discrimination.
  • Period: to

    The Harlem Renaissance

  • NAACP is founded

    NAACP is founded
    National Association of the Advancement of Colored People is founded and W.E.B. Du Bois becomes editor of their monthly magazine.
  • Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man

    Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man
    James Weldon Johnson's very influential novel Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man was published.
  • 369th Infantry Regiment returns

    369th Infantry Regiment returns
    The 369th Infantry returns home from World War 1, hightly decorated and of all African American soldiers. They returned to a Hero's welcome in Harlem.
  • Shuffle Along is performed

    Shuffle Along is performed
    The first musicle revue was performed by African American's in New York called, Shuffle Along.
  • Anti-Lynching

    The new legislation was passed by the House of Representatives.
  • Harmon Foundation

    Harmon Foundation
    The Harmon Foundation holds its first annual art exhibition for African American artwork. Palmer Hayden and Hale Woodruff won top awards.
  • Countee Cullen and Yolande Du Bois are married!

    Countee Cullen and Yolande Du  Bois are married!
    Countee Cullen and Yolande Du Bois married and had an extravagant wedding that is one of the most memorable social events of the Harlem Renaissance.
  • Harlem by Wallace Thurman opens

    Harlem by Wallace Thurman opens
    Harlem by Wallace Thurman opens on Broadway becoming the most successful production of the time by a black author.
  • Riot is sparked in Harlem

    Riot is sparked in Harlem
    Harlem is the scene of a major riot sparked by discrimination by white-owned businesses.