
The Harlem Renaissance

By kellief
  • Migration from Southern rural states

    Migration from Southern rural states
    About two million African Americans migrated to Northern placeing hoping to have a fresh start hoping to have better opportunities and get rid of discrimination. This was modernism because African Americans were free to make a change in their lives for the better.
  • Period: to

    Harlem Renaissance

  • NAACP was founded

    NAACP was founded
    NAACP The NAACP is a civil right oranization. Ther misssion was "to ensure the political, educational, social, and economic equality of rights of all persons and to eliminate racial hatred and racial discrimination". This is so important because it was causing African American to have rights and acutually have dialouge which is how its related to modernism
  • The National Urban League was formed

    The National Urban League was formed
    National Urban LeagueThe National Urban League was an american service agency founded to eliminate racial segregation and discrimination towards african amerians and minorites. This is modernism because it's stating to be okay for minorites to make a stand and be different.
  • Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man

    Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man
    James Weldon Johnson's powerful novel Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man was modernism. James explores the modernist themes as they relate to crowd violence and identity self fashioning which is all protrayed in the autobiography such as, lynching events and the usage of tactics to define and control black identity.
  • United Negro Improvement Association (UNIA) was formed

    United Negro Improvement Association (UNIA) was formed
    It is dedicated to racial pride, economic self-sufficiency, and the formation of an independent black nation in Africa.We see a change in the african american society wanting to have freedom and make a stand
  • The politically radical black publication called The Messenger was founded.

    This is modernism because african americans featured more articles about black culture and began to publish rising black writers and this showed how acceptable it was to look at black writers unlike it was before
  • Jessie Redmon Fauset began writing for crisis magazine

    Jessie Redmon Fauset began writing for crisis magazine
    Fauset was able to promote the work of writers whose works might not have been published otherwise such as Langston Hughes, Jean Toomer, Nella Larsen, Countee Cullen and Georgia Douglass . Fauset used her ability to speak. This is modernism because african are having freedom of society and to speak their mind
  • The Cotton Club opened

    The Cotton Club opened
    The Cotton Club The cotton club was important becasue it a was a nightclub the had both whites and black came to togeher where there were actually blacks performing. This is modernism because the black could express thereselves with upbeat music which was differnt than any other eras and.
  • The Weary Blues is published by Langston Hughes

    The Weary Blues is published by Langston Hughes' >The weary blues</a>
    The poem was full of jazz, blues, and poetry into powerful lyric poetry. The poem was even reveiwed from both black and white critics meaning African American literature was becoming socialable acceptable for all which made it modernism.
  • A'lelia Walker opended the Dark Tower

    A'lelia Walker opended the Dark Tower
    Music It was townhouse she owned into a night club and literary
    salon. The salon was intended as a place to entertain and support young Harlem writers and artists. The dark tower was giving african americans a way to express thereself.
  • In Abraham's Bosom wins Pulitzer Prize

    In Abraham's Bosom wins Pulitzer Prize
    This play was being an all black cast was a big deal because most whites wouldn't pay money to see afrian american. This play is modernism becasue abraham attempts to educate himself and is often teased for spending all of his time with books which is one thing modernist believeed. They believed in the American Dream and working hard.
  • The Negro Experimental Theater is founded

    The Negro Experimental Theater is founded
    It was very influential in the encouragement of serious black theatres. It inspired other to be free and express thereself which was all what modernist were about
  • An oil on a canvas Painting called "brothers" was painted

    An oil on a canvas Painting called "brothers" was painted
    Paintings with african americans started to get painted and not only african americans would look at them. Paintings with african americans in them started becomeing socialable acceptable for everyone, which was a change from other art because you would hardldy find african americans in paintings, if so african americans only looked at them.
  • Riot begin to arouse in Harlem

    Riot begin to arouse in Harlem
    This is modernism because african americans are standing up to be free from discrimination to earn their rights.
  • Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston was published

    Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston was published
    This represents the modern period of American Literature. Janie is set apart from others all of her life. Modernist believed in being different and expressing yourself and thats exaclty what Janie, the main character, did which was being a women and wanting her education and authority.