San domingo

The American,French, Haitian Revolution

  • Jan 28, 1492

    Americas is discoverd

  • Mar 30, 1500

    Spanish conquers

    They conquered the Incas and the Aztecs
  • American Revolution

    In the Amricas U.S. became Independent in 1783.
  • Haiti Slaves

    Influences Haitian Slaves
  • Period: to

    The Haitian, French, American Revolution

  • Criolles

    The criolles, including Simon Bolivar, were not satisfied because they were not allowed to serve in the colonies.
  • people in France

    people in France
    They marched to Versailles to demand rights of food and less taxes
  • Equal rights

    Affranchis demand equal rights
  • Slaves

    rebellionn of slves in Aiti seeking freedom
  • French Revolution

    Many people were dissatified with the France which caused many alliances
  • African slaves

    When the African slaves of Saint Domingue rebelled themselves
  • Napoleon

    He tries to restore slavery in Haiti
  • Toussaint

    Toussaint got rid of the Spanish rule in Haiti
  • Napoleon

    He ivaded Saint Domingue after several months later Toussaint agreed to stop fighting
  • L'ouverture

    He establishes a new constitution
  • The France

    The France
    The France expeditonary ashored at Saint Domingue and started to conquer.
  • Louventure

    He died and the fighintg lasted
  • New Orleans

    New Orleans
    Slaves who were released from Saint Domingue was sent to New Orleans
  • Jean Jacques

    Jean Jacques
    Jean Jacques Dessalines became Jacques I Emperor and in the same year they got their name, Haiti.
  • Joins the Resistance movement

  • French Revolution

    Simon Bolivar is inspired by the American and French revolution and returns to Venezuela
  • Napoleon Bonaparte

    Napoleon Bonaparte dethroned Ferdinand and replaced him with his brother.
  • Independence

    The resistance group gained independece in Caracas and moved furthur to the south
  • Miguel Hidalgo

    Mexico revolt, lead by Miguel Hidalgo, but it was unsuccessful. Hidalgo was executed
  • Venezuela

    He returns to Venezuela and tries to wrest control of Venezuela from Spain. To start this, he and his followers invaded Venezuela.
  • Jose Maria Morelos

    nstead of Hidalgo, a new leader called Jose Maria Morelos lead the people, but he died
  • Jose de San Martin declared the independence of Argentina

  • Spanish

    Jose de San Martin defeated the Spanish in Chile
  • El Liberator

    after the civil war that erupted in Venezuela, he was named as El libertador
  • Protector of Peru

    After seizing control of Lima he was appointed Protector of Peru
  • the turncoat iturbide destroyed spanish rule and insisted a monarchy in mexico and central America.

  • Gran Colombia

    by the leadership of Bolivar, Gran Colombia is created, a federation which included much of what is now Venezuela, Colombia, Panama and Ecuador
  • Simon Bolivar was named as the Dictator of Peru

  • Haiti

    France recognizes haiti as an independent country
  • Bolivia was created

  • Declared himself a Dictador

  • Simon Bolivar died

    He died after a battle
  • US recognizes Haiti

    United States recognizes Haiti as an independent country