Fall of Constantinople to Ottoman Turks
1.The city’s fall sent shock waves throughout Christianity. It is widely quoted as the event that marked the end of the European Middle Ages.
2.The Ottoman Turks taking over Constantinople made the Ottomans a world power and a threat to European countries.
3.The Black Sea trade crashed because the Ottoman Empire essentially started a monopoly for trade -
Printing Press
1.The Printing Press spread information quickly and accurately and helped create a wider literate reading public.
2.Scientists could work together to solve a problem by being able to copy down their findings and accurately share them with other scientists throughout the world.
3.It was much harder for the Church to control and contain what was being written and spread throughout the public. It widely spread ideas and opinions even if they were unpopular. -
1st Voyage of Columbus
1.The first voyage proved that the world was not flat and inspired a large wave of exploration and colonization of the Americas.
2.The first voyage also provided the Europeans with many new natural resources and goods they had not previously had.
3.The first voyage also forced many natives into slavery and forced them to become Europeanized by forcing them to adopt the languages, culture, and beliefs of the Europeans. -
Most Important Event of 15th Century: Columbus's First Voyage
I believe it was the most important event of the 15th century was Columbus's First Voyage because it lead to the finding/ rediscovery of the Americas. Which launched the start of colonization that would expand from the Americas and provide Europe with many new discoveries and new resources. -
Luther's 95 Theses
1.Luther's 95 Theses marked the beginning of the reformation of the Roman Catholic Church
2.It went against the Catholic Church by saying that you don't have to pay indulgences
- you don't have to buy your way to heaven
3.Martin Luther was condemned an outlaw and had to go into hiding at the Wartburg Castle. -
Act of Supremacy(England)
1.The Act of Supremacy stated that Henry was the head of the Church of England, it also gave him access to the wealth that the church had gained in England.
2.It made supporting the Pope over the Church of England an act of treason. This made supporting Catholicism not only a statement of religious conviction but a crime against the monarch, which was punishable by death.
3.It increased the power of the English monarch and decreased the influence of Rome. -
Peace of Augsburg
1.The Peace of Augsburg was a temporary settlement within the Holy Roman Empire for the religious conflict arising from the Reformation it permitted religious freedom
2.It was the first permanent legal basis for the coexistence of Lutheranism and Catholicism in Germany
3.The Princes were able to determine the religion of their domain and if the people didn't agree with the princes' religion they were allowed to move to a different section that agreed with their religion(Catholic or Lutheran) -
Edict of Nantes
1.The Edict of Nates was one of the first decrees of religious tolerance in Europe
2.It granted them full civil rights-access to education and established a special court, the Chambre de l’Édit, composed of both Protestants and Catholics, to deal with disputes arising from the edict.
3.It restored Catholicism in all areas where Catholic practice had been interrupted and made any extension of Protestant worship in France legally impossible. -
Most Important Event of the 16th Century: Luther's 95 Theses
I believe Luther´s 95 These was the most important event of the 16 century because it was the start to Protestantism(which became a major religion) and was one of the first breaks from the Catholic church which lead others, like Henry VIII to break from the church. -
Peace of Westphalia
1.The Peace of Westphalia brought an end to the Eighty Years’ War between Spanish, the Dutch, and the German phase of the Thirty Years’ War.
2.A number of countries received territories or were confirmed in their sovereignty over territories.
3.It extended the Peace of Augsburg’s provisions for religious toleration to the Reformed (Calvinist) church, and it secured toleration for the three great religious communities(Roman Catholic, Lutheran, and Calvinist) -
End of English Civil War/ Beheading of Charles I
Ottoman Siege of Vienna
1.The failure of the Turks to take over Vienna marked the beginning of the end of Turkish Domination
2.The Turks being defeated meant they were less of a power and threat in Eastern Europe. The Ottoman Turks were losing the power they once had gained
3.This was also the beginning of the end of the Ottoman Empire. In the future, they would lose more battles and having to give up land. -
English Glorious Revolution
1.The Glorious Revolution replaced the reigning king, James II, with the joint monarchy of his protestant daughter Mary and her Dutch husband, William of Orange.
2.It established the supremacy of parliament over the crown, setting Britain on the path towards constitutional monarchy and parliamentary democracy
3.Parliament gained powers over taxation, over the royal succession, over appointments and over the right of the crown to wage war independently -
Most Important Event of 17th Century: Peace of Westphalia
The Peace of Westphalia was the most important event in the 17th century because it brought the 80 years war to an end and it gave German states religious freedom. This was one of the first times people were granted any form of religious toleration which became big in the enlightenment. -
Peace of Utrecht
1.The Peace of Utrecht brought an end to the War of Spanish Succession between England and France.
2.It divided territories between the European Countries
3.Britain received the largest portion of colonial and commercial spoils and took the leading position in world trade -
Frederick II ("the Great") becomes king of Prussia(Enlightenment)
1.He reversed his father's policy, made Prussian society more aristocratic than before, made it hard for commoners to rise to power and reserved high positions in his government for members of the nobility
2.He gave more rights to the people by eliminating the use of torture, limited freedom of speech and press, and complete religious toleration(enlightenment ideas)
3.He started a rise of enlightened rulers and enlightened beliefs, enlightened thinkers began to spread their ideas -
Seven Years War
First Industrial Revolution
French Revolution
1.The French Revolution lead to thousands of deaths of aristocrats on the guillotine
2.The distruction of many Catholic cathedrals and churches and the abolishment of religion.
3.It also established a republic in 1792 after the arrest of the King at the Royal Palais -
Most Important Event of 18th Century: French Revolution
I Believe the French Revolution was the most important event in the 18th century because it was a revolt against the monarchy and many other countries would get rid of their monarchy after the French Revolution. The French Revolution also led to things like a republic and the reign of terror. There were also many deaths and changes of the way France would now be run from the ways of traditonal France. -
Congress of Vienna
1.The Congress of Vienna made the French return territories gained by Napoleon from 1795 - 1810.
2. Many countries gained new territories and lost old ones
*Britain gained control over several strategic colonies and become the first superpower of the world.
3. Switzerland was declared neutral. -
Revolutions in France, Prussia, Austria, Hungary
1.The 1848 revolutions lead to many countries pushing for a democracy/republic some succeeded and others like in Austria, the monarchy withstood it.
2.In France alone; the Second Republic and universal manhood suffrage were established
3.It indicate a redistribution of the European territories. -
Publication of The Communist Manifesto
1.The Communist Manifesto opened a new extreme of socialism and said were there were oppressed there would be oppressors.
2.The communist Manifesto brought the idea of a classless society and radical revolution
3.This led to the overthrow of the Russian Tsar and Russia would become a communist state -
Unification of Germany
1.With Germany uniting Bismarck was able to make Germany a world power which had changed the balance of power across Europe
2.The unification of Germany meant that there would be no or little influences of the Austrians in Europe
3.Under Prussian leadership Germany was a authoritarian militaristic state like the Prussians once were -
Berlin Conference(about Imperialism)
Most Important Event of 19th Century: Unification of Germany
I think the Unification of Germany was the most important event in the 19th century because it disrupted the balance of power in Europe. The Unification of Germany also lead to the Frist World War which had a snowball effect on many other important/impactful historical events throughout the 20th century. -
Start of World War 1
1.World War I was the first taste of world conflict and competition and split the world into two allied forces
2.The Great War was also a time where women gained rights. They started getting jobs in the industrial workforce and got paid higher wages, they also got the right to vote in some countries
3.World War I also started the influence of America in European countries -
Russian Revolution
1.The Russian Revolution brought communism to Russia and marked the end of the Tsars
2.Russia turned into a single party country and changed its name to the Soviet Union
3.Russia was now an industrial power and would become a world power once again -
Treaty of Versailles
1.The Treaty of Versailles blamed Germany for World War I and said that they would have to pay for the destruction of the Allied Countries. The treaty also reduced the German army
2.The treaty put Germany in economic trouble
3.This treaty also was the beginning of the League of Nations although they would not do much in the upcoming years -
Great Depression
1.The Great Depression brought many people to unemployment and hard times. The Germans and the Americans were hit the hardest by the Great Depression
2.The Depression also lead to the increased involvement in the in the economy
3.The Great Depression renewed interest in communism because the people wanted an answer of what to do during the depression -
Hitler appointed Chancellor of Germany
1.Once Hitler came to power he was able to enlarge the Nazis party and was able to become the supreme ruler
2.Hitler would be able to imprison anyone and would change the balance of power in Europe
3.Hitler also had a hatred of Jews and would cause the Holocaust, an attemped genocide of the Jewish people -
End of World War II
1.With the end of World War II the two least destroyed counties, The United States and the Soviet Union, had become world powers and had rising tensions with no common enemy to fight
2.Western Nations tried to put in democratic governments in the eastern nations
3.World War II had put Europe in ruins and they now wanted a time of peace -
Hungary Uprising Against USSR
"Prague Spring" and Paris Student Riots
Fall of Berlin Wall
1.The fall of the Berlin Wall brought an end to the cold war and tensions between the Soviet Union
2.This United east and west Germany and Germany would once more become one
3.This was also the beginning of the end to the communist nations like the Soviet Union -
Maastricht Treaty
1.The Maastricht Treaty resulted in the creation of the European Union and led to common currency in the euro
2.It made a free market by eliminating all barriers
3.It also unified Europe and made a European Central Bank -
Most Important Event of 20th Century: Fall of Berlin Wall
I believe the Fall of the Berlin Wall was the most important event in the 20th century because it marked the end of the Cold War and the end of Communism in Germany. The Soviet Union during this time was fighting with all its might to stay in control. However, they would fall shortly after the Fall of the Berlin Wall do to their Satellite Nations all joining the fight and revolutions to end communism. The Fall of the Berlin Wall also lead to the reunifaction of Germany. -
Overall Most Significant Event: The Start of World War I
I believe the Start of World War I was the most significant event in European history because it was the first globalized war and it escalated nationalism it also created many allies. It led to the Great Depression which many countries struggled with and then expanded communism. This led to Hitler becoming chancellor of Germany and would start World War II and the Holocaust. World War I is also what modernized society. It lead to development in technology and gave women rights.