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The great Schism

  • Sep 6, 1309

    Pope Clement V

    Pope Clement V
    Pope Clement V moved the papacy to the French Archdiocese of Avignon at the insistence of the French King Philip VI.
  • Sep 6, 1377

    Pope Gregory XII

    Pope Gregory XII
    Avignon remained the residence for five successive popes before Pope Gregory XII returned to Rome
  • Sep 6, 1378

    Pope Urban VI

    Pope Urban VI
    an Italian, Pope Urban VI, was elected by the cardinals who were pressured by the Romans to return to an Italian pope.
  • Sep 6, 1379

    Pope Clement VII

    Pope Clement VII
    the cardinals subsequently announced that Pope Urban’s election was invalid. In his stead they elected Pope Clement VII, who lived in Avignon. This led to great confusion, for both popes were considered by different parties to be the legitimate successor of St Peter.
  • Sep 6, 1409

    Council of Pisa

    the cardinals attempted to resolve the situation by calling the Council of Pisa
  • Sep 6, 1409

    Pope Alexander V

    Pope Alexander V
    The Council attempted to depose both Pope Benedict in Avignon and Pope Gregory in Rome and to elect a new Pope, Pope Alexander V.
  • Period: Sep 6, 1414 to Sep 7, 1418

    the Council of Florence

    Another council was called to resolve the issue, the Council of Florence was held
  • Sep 6, 1418

    anti-Pope John XXII

    had been removed, Pope Gregory had resigned, and anti-Pope Benedict had fled.
  • Sep 6, 1419

    Pope Martin V

    Pope Martin V
    Pope Martin V was elected and the Great Schism was over