Great depression collage

The Great Depression

By aleck_h
  • The "American Individualism" of Hoover

    The "American Individualism" of Hoover
    In this book, Herbert Hoover presents the idea that the American individual can succeed in life with minimal intervention from the federal government, and set the base for many ideas in today's society. Location: United States
    Author/Protagonist: President Herbert Hoover
  • Crash of 1929

    Crash of 1929
    The Wall Street Crash or simply known as the Great Crash of 1929, occurred in October of 1929 when the stock market prices collapsed completely. Location: Wall Street, New York, United States
    Protagonist: The Stock Market / Economy
  • The Dust Bowl

    The Dust Bowl
    The Dust Bowl was a series of severe sandstorms that struck the region of the Great Plains during the 1930s and caused major agricultural failures across the region, forcing farmers to migrate. The event was caused by the erosion of soil due to lack of rainfall. Location: The Great Plains, United States
    Protagonists: Farmers, Nature
  • Arts and Entertainment during The Great Depression

    Arts and Entertainment during The Great Depression
    The American people found diverse ways to entertain themselves, all of which were of little to no cost, these included movies, musicals, comedies, sports, and fun games all to forget their troubles. Famous stories like "The Wizard of Oz" and "Snow White and the Seven Dwarves" were written and published during the depression. Location: United States, Theaters, Streets
    Protagonists: Walt Disney, L. Frank Baum, Americans
  • Hoover's Public Funding

    Hoover's Public Funding
    Hoover decided to increase funding for public works, which only employed a small amount of the millions of unemployed people in the United States. He refused to spend any more money or involve the government any further in the economy. Location: Washington, D.C.
    Protagonist: President Hoover / Hoover Administration
  • National Credit Corporation

    National Credit Corporation
    The National Credit Corporation was created to try and convince large surviving banks to loan money to small banks in order to keep them from closing down. However the efforts were not enough to fit the nation's needs. Location: Washington, D.C.
    Protagonists: Hoover Administration
  • Reconstruction Finance Corporation

    Reconstruction Finance Corporation
    The Reconstruction Finance Corporation was created to lend massive amounts of money to railroads, banks, and other industries to help the economy. They failed to lend enough money to bring the economy back to life. Location: Washington, D.C.
    Protagonist: Hoover Administration
  • Emergency Relief and Construction Act

    Emergency Relief and Construction Act
    The Emergency Relief and Construction Act was a law passed that called for $1.5 billion for public works and $300 million in direct relief funds for the American population. The act was signed too late, as the damage done to the economy could not be reversed. Location: Washington, D.C.
    Protagonist: Hoover Administration
  • The Bonus March

    The Bonus March
    Hundreds of war veterans marched to Washington, D.C. to demand a bonus for their service. President Hoover agreed to give them money, but it was not paid until 1945. Location: Washington, D.C.
    Protagonists: War Veterans
  • The Hunger March

    The Hunger March
    In December of 1932, group of around 1,200 unemployed workers started chanting "Feed the hungry. Tax the rich" in Washington, D.C. The police herded them and denied them food and water. Location: Washington, D.C.
    Protagonists: Unemployed workers