Title page great depression

The great Depression and World Superpower

  • Major Stock Shock

    Major Stock Shock
    The United States Stock Prices started to decline. Thus the depression originated in the country.
  • Black Tuesday

    Black Tuesday
    The day when the global world economy crashed resulting into the Stock Market Crash.
  • Automibile Rate Decline

    Due to Americans losing jobs during the Great Depression, many rich families living a comfrotable lives had to cut down on their expenses that include utilization of cars, which later turned to public transfomation facilites. As a result the automibile companies suffered a a great consumer reduction in May 1930(approx.).
  • Tariff of 1930

    Tariff of 1930
    As called Smoot-Hawley Tariff enacted by the government on June 17,1930, an act sponsored by Senator Reed Smoot and Representative Willis C. Hawley inorder to increase to rates of US improted goods, provide revenue and keep the commerce regulating at a high rate in United States.
  • ERA Program

    ERA Program
    As a last attempt to relief the people, President Hoover enacted the Emergency Relief and Construction Act in July 1932, as a welfare program. It provided the funds for public roads and dams and supported the famililes financially. Thus the Act was seen as a major foundation to the theme of programs introduced by President Franklin Roosevelt in his New Deal.
  • Federal Home Loan Bank Act

    Federal Home Loan Bank Act
    In efforts to pull out the sinking American economy from Depression, Herbert Hoover enacted the Federal Home Loan Bank Act in order to ease the burden of home ownership by lowering the cost of the houses. This created 5 federal banks across the nation to supply the people with discounts on home loans. And this lead to another Act called HERA.
  • Inaugration of FDR

    Inaugration of FDR
    Even after various tries, Herbert Hoover wasn't successful in recovering the sinking American economy, thus in such time, people believe FDR to be the savior. Franklin Delano Roosevelt was the 32nd President of United States.At the inaugral address, people were flabbergasted by the inpsring ideas about the unemployement and foreign policies that FDR mentioned.
  • Strong Strom

    Strong Strom
    Video of Dust Bowl Preview
    With a hoep of revory, Americans moved to the west Plains in hope of great farms and cultivation to earn a living. But strong strom topped the topsoil of South Dakota farmlands in the dust storms of the year. Started the worst situations of Dust Bowl moving to western plains of the country.
  • Period: to

    Dust Dowl

    The time period when Dust Bowl destroyed the crop cultivation in the Great Plains of Rocky Mountains. Not just damaged the crops but also killed the cattle and left the people worthless with sterile lands.
  • Black Sunday

    Black Sunday
    It was a severe Dust Storm, a part of theDust Bowl, which caused a detrimental effect on the economic and agricultural of the Western Lands. The causes behind it were lack of rain, drought, soil erosion, and moisture in air. But the results weren't that simple, a relocation from West to East borders like California in search of some work. Thus the things left behind were the worthless, sterile lands and catte.
  • Works Progress Administration

    Works Progress Administration
    Works Progress Administration was one of the programs of the New Deal by FDR. It was considered to be the most important and amibigious program that aimed to help the unemployed workers to get employed, in an effort to pull them out of Great Depression. Construction of roads, dams, highways and other infrastructure was the kind of works given to the workers.
  • Social Security Act

    Social Security Act
    One of another New Deal programs signed by President Roosevelt that started the system of present day Social Security. Also it changed the relations between the people, government and the market economy.
  • Hoover Dam

    Hoover Dam
    According to ERA Act of 1932, construction of dam in Black Canyon of Colorado River was started in early 1931 by Six Companies Inc. At the final completion on September 30, 1935 that dam was named in the honor of President Hoover. This site became a great power generator and also a site for tourism.Also aided in the water storage and outings for families.
  • Second Re-election of FDR

    Second Re-election of FDR
    Due to theimmediate relief programs planned by the "New Deal", FDR gained immense support from the Americans in the national elections of 1936. FDR emerged victorious against Kansas Governor, Alfred Landon. The common Americans supported the New Deal, but business owners criticized who believed that the New Deal wasn't aiding the poor people's economy.
  • Embark of World War II

    Embark of World War II
    A global war that included the most important nations of the world divided into two groups: Allies and Axis. It lasted for about 6 years and 1 day and was one of the reason that helped United States come out of the Great Depression. Dangerous leaders of communism were highlighted during the World War II like Adolf Hitler of Germany.