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The Great Depression

  • Mein Kampf is Published

    Mein Kampf is Published
    Mein Kampf is published and it is documentation of hitler's youth and his life.
  • Stock Market Crash Begins Great Depression

    Stock Market Crash Begins Great Depression
    Was when the stock market crashed and the banks weren't able to pay people their money they have saved.
  • The Dust Bowl Begins

    The Dust Bowl Begins
    The dust bowl was intense winds that stirred topsoil around the air.
  • Franklin Roosevelt is Elected President (1st Time)

    Franklin Roosevelt is Elected President (1st Time)
    Franklin D Roosevelt was elected and, and he is the only president elected to serve 4 terms.
  • Adolf Hitler Become Chancellor of Germany

    Adolf Hitler Become Chancellor of Germany
    Hitler is elected chancellor and is the most tyrannical leader in the world. he killed jews for their religion and the ones that lived were gruesomely tortured.
  • CCC is Created

    CCC is Created
    The ccc or the civilian conservation corps is a group that helps to build up the infrastructure, and the public owned properties.
  • WPA is Created

    WPA is Created
    Part of the new deal that helped Americans get jobs, and find resources to help them.
  • J.J. Braddock Wins Heavyweight Boxing Title

    J.J. Braddock Wins Heavyweight Boxing Title
    He was an American heavyweight boxer that beat a long sought after opponent at Madison Square Gardens.
  • Olympic Games in Berlin

    Olympic Games in Berlin
    The olympic games were a little bit different at this time. Because nazi germany had taken over this set of games.
  • Kristallnacht

    The night of broken glass was a day when the Nazi pogrom attacked and destroyed cities and buildings.
  • Grapes of Wrath is Published

    Grapes of Wrath is Published
    American novel written by John Steinbeck and published in 1939
  • Wizard of Oz Premiers in Movie Theaters

    Wizard of Oz Premiers in Movie Theaters
    The Wizard of Oz was a play, a movie, and a book that was published in 1939.
  • Period: to

    Germany Invades Poland

    The start of WW2 for the world.
  • The Four Freedoms Speech

    The Four Freedoms Speech
    The four basic freedoms that people are entitled to.