The Great Depression

  • J.Edgar Hoover Becomes Head of the FBI

    J.Edgar Hoover Becomes Head of the FBI
    J. Edgar Hoover became the acting director of the Bureau of Investigation on May 10, 1924. By the end of the year he was officially promoted to director. That was how he changed American criminal justice in the 20th century.
  • Mein Kampf is Published

    Mein Kampf is Published
    This is an autobiography about Adolf Hitler. This described Hitlers political ways and what lead up to the terror of 1939 to 1945.
  • Stock Market Crash Begins Great Depression

    Stock Market Crash Begins Great Depression
    The Stock Market crashed because people were buying stuff on margin and not paying stuff back. This caused banks to go literally ironically bankrupt as you would say in common day. This caused the banks to have nobody's money when they came back to get it. Which caused the world to go into depression.
  • The Dust Bowls Begin

    The Dust Bowls Begin
    The Dust Bowl lasted almost a decade. This was caused by the severe drought and the effects from the great depression. The drought caused dust storms, which is why it is called The Dust Bowl.
  • Adolf Hitler Become Chancellor of Germany

    Adolf Hitler Become Chancellor of Germany
    This is the year that Adolf Hitler became Chancellor of Germany. He ruled Germany from 1933 to 1945. He was ruled dead by suicide in 1945. Adolf was the creator of the holocaust and was the reason that World War II started.
  • Franklin Roosevelt is Elected President (1st Time)

     Franklin Roosevelt is Elected President (1st Time)
    Franklin Roosevelt was the president from 1933 to 1941. He won the election against Herbert Hoover in 1932 but he didn’t start his presidency until 1933. He was really big into the National State parks.
  • CC is Created

    CC is Created
    Roosevelt brought together the Civilian Conservation Corps in 1933. The CCC, allowed single men between the ages of 18 and 25 to work in programs to improve America's public lands during and after the Great Depression.
  • WPA is Created

    WPA is Created
    President Franklin D. Roosevelt created the WPA on May 6, 1935. It was part of his New Deal plan and restoring the economy to pre-Depression levels.
  • J.J. Braddock Wins Heavyweight Boxing Title

    J.J. Braddock Wins Heavyweight Boxing Title
    Braddock won the Heavyweight Championship of the World as the 10 to 1 underdog in what was called the greatest fistic upset since the defeat of John L. Sullivan by Jim Corbett.
  • Olympic Games in Berlin

    Olympic Games in Berlin
    The Olympic games were held in Berlin when the holocaust was going on under Hitler's rule. These Olympic games were almost boycotted because of everything that was going on at the time.
  • Kristallnacht

    a program against Jews carried out by the Nazi Party's Sturmabteilung paramilitary forces along with civilians throughout Nazi Germany.
  • Grapes of Wrath is Published

    Grapes of Wrath is Published
    The Grapes of Wrath is Publish was a book written by John steinbeck. Written to talk about the hard lives of migrant workers.
  • Wizard of Oz Premiers in Movie Theaters

    Wizard of Oz Premiers in Movie Theaters
    The Wizard of Oz was very underrated at the time of revealing to the Audience but once played it was a crowd favorite and still is. It came out at a bad time in America. America was still getting on its feet after The Great Depression.
  • Germany Invades Poland

    Germany Invades Poland
    The invasion of Poland was an attack on the Republic of Poland by Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union which marked the beginning of World War II and the Holocaust.
  • The Four Freedoms Speech

    The Four Freedoms Speech
    The Four Freedoms Speech was a Speech given by Franklin D. Roosevelt about goals articulated by the U.S. right before we joined World War II. It was about how everyone around the world should have freedom of speech, the freedom of want, the freedom of worship, and freedom of fear.