By Samuels
  • American Individualism

    American Individualism
    Place:U.S/ Summary: It was a book written by President Hoover that explains how individualism was the best system, Socially, politically, spiritually and economically/ Protagonist: President Hoover
  • Crash of 1929

    Crash of 1929
    Place: United states of America /Summary if the event: The stock market crashed, banks closed, people lost their properties which lead to the Great Depression /Protagonist: Wall Street Investors, Bankers and brokers
  • The dust Bowl

    The dust Bowl
    Place: Center of the United States /Summary: it was a huge dust storm that damaged most farms and livestock /Protagonists: Farmers and people in the center of the states.
  • Arts and entertainment during the Great Depression

    Arts and entertainment during the Great Depression
    Place: United States /Summary: Americans used the Movies/theaters to escape what was going on as well as radio. The movies made them reflect that they were victims of corruption. /Protagonists: Marx Brothers,Walt Disney, Jimmy Stewart,William folkner and John Steinback.
  • Hoover’s Public Funding

    Hoover’s Public Funding
    Place:United States / Summary:President Hoover increased funding for construction jobs for the unemployed, it was the way to ensure jobs/ protagonist: President Hoover
  • National Credit Corporation

    National Credit Corporation
    Place:United States/ Summary: The NCC created a circle of money that allowed banks to continue lending money to the communities. / Protagonist: The National Credit Corporation
  • Bonus March

    Bonus March
    Place: Washington DC/ Summary: was a group of 43,000 demonstrators, and made up of 17,000 US WW1 veterans
  • Reconstruction Finance Corporation

    Reconstruction Finance Corporation
    Place:United States/ Summary: It was a corporation administrated by the United States, it provided finance support to state and local governments and made loans/ Protagonists: Herbert Hoover and small businesses
  • Emergency Relief and Construction Act

    Emergency Relief and Construction Act
    Place: United States/ Summary: the first mayor-relief legislation, enabled under Herbert Hoover/ Protagonist: Herbert Hoover and 72nd United States Congress
  • Hunger March

    Hunger March
    Place: Washington DC/ Summary: the marches were demanding unemployment insurance/ Protagonists: Us Citizens