The Gradual Increase of Nazi Persecution of the jews

  • Reich Citizenship Law

    Reich Citizenship Law
    the Reich Citizenship Law was made This law defined who German government considered German and who was a Jew.
    This shows unfairness because its discriminating
  • Law on the Alteration of Family and Personal Names

    Law on the Alteration of Family and  Personal Names
    This law was required that Jews that did not have Jewish first names to take the middle names Israel (For men) and Sara (For women).
    This shows unfairness cuz its not letting them use there names
  • Evian Conference of Refugees

    Evian Conference of Refugees
    jews from Europe were trying to immigrate to other countries. Leaders from 32 countries met to discuss whether they should admit the refugees. Some said they would allow them in while others said no. not letting people go throw the border
  • Kristallnacht Attacks

    Kristallnacht Attacks
    German Government declared an attack on Jewish Businesses, homes, and synagogues. 30,000 jews men and boys were arrested and sent to concentration camps Arresting people for no reason
  • St. Louis Sails

    St. Louis Sails
    A ship carrying Jewish refugees set sail to the Americas to try to help the Jewish people, but they were denied entrance into the countries there, so had to return back to Europe.
    Not letting jews be free
  • Decree on the Exclusion of Jews from Economic Life

    Decree on the Exclusion of Jews from Economic Life
    Jews were forced to wear the “Yellow Star of David” on all of their clothing to identify as a Jew. This shows unfairness because they have to wear something to show there a jew
  • jewish badge introduced in germany

    jewish badge introduced in germany
    Jews were forced to wear the “Yellow Star of David” on all of their clothing to identify as a Jew. This shows unfairness because they have to wear something to show there a jew
  • Sonia orlinsky minuskin

    Locked up in a synagogues with other jews to be burned alive but she escaped.
  • Bekanntmachung

    Anyone who was caught helping a jew would be sent to Poland for a death penalty
    Killing people cuz they're trying to help jews
  • Warsaw Ghetto Uprising Begins

    Warsaw Ghetto Uprising Begins
    this the day when jews living in the warsaw ghetto started fihting againg the naszis idk this ones fair
  • Germany Occupies Hungary

    Germany Occupies Hungary
    Nazi deported people
    Making people leave there homes