The Gradual Increase of Nazi Persecution of the jews.

By rley279
  • Education Law

    This law made it so jewish students had to leave public schools and start attending private schools.This law made it so only percent of the population in schools. This shows persecution because it was ending school/education for only jewish children.
  • Jewish Name law

    The law of Jewish name law required Jews that didn't have a first name to take the middel names of Israel for men and Sara for women.
    It affects jews because they would all have to change to show that they were jewish.
  • Kristallnacht Attacks

    Kristallnacht (night of broken glass) started after a Polish-Jewish teenager learned his family was deported from Germany, then, because of that, he shot a German diplomat in Paris. After that, Nazi supporters launched planned attacks on jewish homes, stores, cemeteries, and synagogues. People were arrested and sent to concentration camps just tolaerpass, also many homes and shops were destroyed in less then a day.
  • Anti-Jewish economy law

    Jews could not own businesses, and if they did then they would have to sell them to an employee or Nazi supporter for a very low price.
    All jews jobs and businesses ended for jews and they were losing money because this.
  • Jewish badge introduced ngermany

    All jewish people would have to wear the star of david to show that they were jewish. When they wore the yellow stars all people would see of them is jewish so wearing it would limit many opportunities.
  • Mass murder begins at chelmno

    Chelmno was the first Major killing operation in order to annihilate the Jewish population. Chelmno was also the first location to use gas to mass-murder Jews. At least 172,000 Jews and others were killed here.
    This led to millions of more murders and killed millinos of people.
  • Announcement Of death penalty for aiding jews

    What the law does is it tells people that if they help jews or if they were caught hiding.This would affect people because many died trying to save their own lives and other peoples (jews) lives.
  • Warsaw ghetto uprising begins

    the jew leftover jews in warsaw attacked the guards one night. Over 300 thousand jews were killed that night.
  • Danish Jews begin escape

    It was to help them escape from being arrested, deported, and probably killed.
    Many Jews were freed and escaped from being killed and arrested or deported.
  • German Forces surrender

    When Adolf hitler committed suicide the germanofficals surrendered. Then one day later the war in Europe ended and the allies celebrated and the allied forces won the war.
    Millions of jews were freed from concentration camps and survived. They also were able to return to their homes