Adolf Hitler Appointed Chancellor of Germany
In November of 1932, the Nazi party won 33 percent of the vote, which was more than any other party, in the German Election. Due to this, President Paul von Hindenburg appointed Adolf Hitler, who was the head of the National Socialist German Workers Party (NAZI Party), the new chancellor of Germany. This shows persecution against the disabiled because Hitler can point anything against them not being able to do as much. -
Reichstag Fire Decree
This law was put into place by President von Hindenburg. This law took away the freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and the right for people to assemble. This meant that the government now could control what was being published to citizens of Germany. This showed persecution to the disabled by not letting them read what is true, and, to read what the Nazis wanted them to read. -
Dachau Concentration Camp Opens
The first Concentration camp was opened by the Nazis.
Originally made to incarcerate political opponents of the regime.
This shows persecution because Hitler can go and send them to a concentration camp and kill them on the spot. -
Enabling Act
The Enabling Act was the law that allowed Hitler to propose and sign the legislation into law without consulting the parliament. This law effectively created a dictatorship in Germany. This showed persecution to the disabled by singing a form that would get in trouble in the future. -
Burning of “Un-German” Books
Basically, what happened in this event is Hitler ordered all of the Nazis to burn all of the books, almost, because the only books considered to be okay were ones that were pro-nazi. Any book that was Anti-Nazi, Un-German, or published by a Jew were burned. They can’t really read what they want to they have to read a German book. -
Sterilization Law
The law allowed the gov. to sterilize people so that they couldn’t have children. This shows persecution because the mentally disabled people couldn’t have their own kids which meant that their population wouldn’t grow anymore. -
Hitler Becomes Fuhrer
president paul von died. Hitler became president. Hitler got rid of the office and declared himself as the dictator. Hitler could do whatever he wanted to do. Hitler could cause persecution against the disabled for not being able to do as much as them. -
Euthanasia Decree
A secret program that told doctors what to do. They would’ve got tested on or they went in the gas because they had a disability. -
Alfred Wodl
Alfred was determined mentally disabled and he had to go into a psychiatric clinic. The homes were being emptied, Alfred was not allowed anymore to go inside his home. Alfred was transferred to Spiegelgrund Institution and was killed while there because of his disability. They told his parents that he was not murdered but died of something else. He was murdered in a house and it was because he was disabled. -
Mass Murder Begins at Chelmno
Chelmno was the first Major killing operation in order to annihilate the Jewish population. Chelmno was also the first location to use gas to mass-murder Jews. At least 172,000 Jews and others were killed here. This shows persecution because if you were a disabled jew you would be killed with them because you are a jew and a disabled person -
Announcement of Death Penalty for Aiding Jews
What the law does is it tells people if they help jews or if they were caught hiding. This shows persecution for the disabled that if they had a friend that was Jewish they couldn’t help them.