
The Gilded Age - Industrialists

  • Completeion of the transcontinental railroad

    Completeion of the transcontinental railroad
    The golden spike was driven into a railroad tie to join the rails of the First Transcontinental Railroad across the United States connecting the Central Pacific and Union Pacific railroads in Utah. Leland Stanford was given this honor to drive in the last spike.
  • Standard Oil company was created

    Standard Oil company was created
    John D. Rockefeller formed the Standord oil company in Ohio at thirty-one years old.
  • Grand Central Station was built

    Grand Central Station was built
    Grand Central Depot was built and opened by Cornelius Vanderbilt. It is known today as Grand Central Station in Manhattan.
  • New time zone system

    New time zone system
    The railroads created a precise system of new time zones. This ended the system where each town set their own clocks according to the position of the sun.
  • First Skyscraper

    First Skyscraper
    Construction began on the first building with a steel framing. It was ten stories and built for a home insurance company. This marked the birth of the skyscraper.
  • Stanford University was founded

    Stanford University was founded
    Leland Stanford wanted to leave a legacy and create something in rememberance of his son who passed away, so he made Stanford University, a very well known college.
  • Carnegie Steel Company

    Carnegie Steel Company
    Andrew Carnegie formed the Carnegie Steel Company by organizing all of his steel companies into a large one.