The Gallipoli Campaign

  • Australia enters the First World War

    Australia enters the First World War
    Australia enters the First World War
  • Period: to

    The Gallipoli Campaign

  • Ottoman Empire enters war; allies with Germany

    Ottoman Empire enters war; allies with Germany
  • First convoy of Australian Imperial Force troops leave Australia for war

    First convoy of Australian Imperial Force troops leave Australia for war
  • First Australian troops arrive in Egypt to train

    First Australian troops arrive in Egypt to train
  • Britain and French naval forces fail to force a way through the Dardenelles

    Britain and French naval forces fail to force a way through the Dardenelles
  • Landing of ANZACs and allied troops at Gallipoli

    Landing of ANZACs and allied troops at Gallipoli
  • 42,000 Turkish troops attack, suffering 10,000 casualties (including 3000 dead)

    42,000 Turkish troops attack, suffering 10,000 casualties (including 3000 dead)
  • One-day truce with the Turks to bury the dead

    One-day truce with the Turks to bury the dead
  • Charge at the Nek

    Charge at the Nek
  • Battle of Lone Pine

    Battle of Lone Pine
  • End of the ill fated August Offensive

    End of the ill fated August Offensive
  • Decision reached to evacuate Gallipoli

    Decision reached to evacuate Gallipoli
  • Evacuation of Australians from Gallipoli complete

    Evacuation of Australians from Gallipoli complete
  • Last British troops evacuate marking the end of the Gallipoli campaign

    Last British troops evacuate marking the end of the Gallipoli campaign