The Gallipoli Campaign

  • Naval Attacks

    Gallipoli began as an naval strategy by Winston Churchill to force the Ottoman Empire out of the war. The plan was to attack the capital Constantinople from the sea by forcing open the Dardanelles.
  • Period: to

    The Gallipoli Campaign

  • Naval Attacks

    Gallipoli began as an naval strategy by Winston Churchill to force the Ottoman Empire out of the war. The plan was to attack the capital Constantinople from the sea by forcing open the Dardanelles.
  • Gallipoli Landings

    British- Hamiltons invasion plan was to land his infantry at strategic points along the coast. ANZAC- The ANZAC battalions would land on Z beach, North of Kaba Tepe, then move across the Peninsula. French- The French were to land at Kum Kala on the Asian side of the Dardanelles before crossing to mee the British at Cape Helles.
  • Battle of Krithia

    On the 28th of April, Hamilton ordered a renewed attack on the village of Krithia.
  • Battle of Krithia

    At ANZAC cave, the Australian and NewZealand Division commander, General Godley, ordered an attack at Hill Bay 700 from the frontline posts of Russell's top and Quinns Post.
  • Battle of Krithia

    On the 4th of June, Hamilton launched a third attack on Krithia, attempting to capture Ottoman trenches 100 yards infront.
  • August Offensive

    General Hamilton needed a new approach to capture the Sari Bair ridge and take the high ground of the peninsula.
  • End of August Offensive

  • Evacuation

  • End of Evacuation

  • Evacuation