CUE Conference
Depending on the budget allocations and substitute availability, a number of teachers will attend the CUE conference with administrators. The professional development opportunity will be funded on the condition that teachers must implement their new learning into the classroom and share their learning at a staff meeting. Each year, a group of teachers will attend this annual conference to stay current with educational technology research and practices. -
Period: to
Tech Tuesdays
Teachers who attended the CUE conference will lead tech sessions sharing their experience with various technologies in the classroom. -
Alternative Seating Arrangements
In the summer of 2016, new classroom furniture will be purchased to design classrooms with alternative seating. The ability to choose their seat instills ownership of their learning and allows for collaboration with various groups. -
Google Apps for Education
All teachers will be trained in the Google Apps for Education and given release time over the summer to design (or redesign) instruction for their first month of instruction. -
Google Certification
Teachers will be invited to obtain Google Certification Level 1 and 2 as a part of their professional growth cycle. This will be a yearlong process as the group will meet weekly to complete self-paced modules. -
Coding Training
Teachers will attend a training on coding and will receive a programmable robot (ozobot, dash/dot) to use in their classroom. -
Hour of Code
Teachers and students will participate in the Hour of Code. Teachers will be given staff development time to explore the resources and design a series of lessons to introduce coding. -
Tea and Tech Event
Teachers from neighboring schools and district level administrators will be invited to a "Tea and Tech" fair to experience a showcase of technology presented and lead by our Middle School leadership. Students will present their projects/portfolios as visitors rotate through each booth in the multi-purpose room.