The Franks

  • 465

    Clovis was born

  • 476

    Rome Falls

  • Jan 1, 714

    Charles Martel

    defeats the Moors at the battle of tours.
    Takes property and donates to church
    Sees umayyads in spain who want christianity in europe
  • Jan 1, 732

    Battle Of Tours

    Stops islamic expansion into western Europe
  • Jan 1, 741

    Pepin the short

    Son of charles martel
    goes to war against lombards
    comes to aid the pope
  • Nov 13, 750


    son of pepin the short
    expanded empire
    built schools
    spreads christianity ‘
    comes to aid of pope
    built churches all over
  • Clovis Becomes Leader of France

    converts to christianity
    The people he defeated were more Christian
    Wins battle converts to Christianity
    helps unite kingdom
    secures power and church becomes his ally
    europe is unified do to his conversion
    economic benefits
    political benefits stability
  • Christmas day

    Pope crowns him ‘’emperor if romans’’- no one had that title for 400 years
    byzantine emperor was the emperor of the romans
    there was no emperor only empress Irene
    the pope wants be in charge of christendom and doesn't think it is wise for a woman
    crowns Charlemagne