The Formation of Democracy

  • Candidates Selected and Voting Proceeds

    After long and crucial debates, 3 of the most admired, educated, and well spoken men were chosen by the citizens to be the candidates for the first president. The winner of those three men was selected by congress and went into office.
  • Writing a Constitution and Establishing Rights

    The hardships experienced by the monarchy led to a great set of example of what not to do with their government. Well educated lawyers and war leaders began drafting what would become the constitution. When writing the constitution they set up rights that were granted to each individual. The constitution set up laws and regulations that allowed for a prosperous union. Economy, housing, and trade laws were all set up and they could begin elections.
  • Forming a New Government

    After unfair treatment and extreme injustice of the monarchy, it was evident that separation was necessary. The people needed a new government that was fair and responsible.