the first years of the Weimar Republic (1918-1923)

  • Period: to

    End of German Empire

  • Prince Maximilian of Baden replaces Count Georg von Hertling as Chancellor of Germany

  • Period: to

    Naval mutinies

  • Sailors and worker's councils declare general strikes.

  • 100,000 workers march on the Royal House of Wittelsbach. The King of Bavaria flees.

    The king runs away, after 100,000 workers march on the Royal House of Wittelsbach.
  • 9th of november 1918

    Proclamation of the Republic by Philipp Scheidemann, some hours later: proclamation of the Socialist Republic by Karl Liebknecht
    - Matthias Erzberger arrives at Allied HQ at Compiegne.
    - Kaiser Wilhelm told to abdicate, before he can decide Prince Max formally announces the abdication of Wilhelm.
    - Social Democrats demand government from Prince Max.
    - Kaiser abdicates
    - Friedrich Ebert assumes the chancellery.
    - First German Republic established.
  • end of WWI

  • Skirmish of the Berlin Schloss

  • Spartakusbund (Marxists) splits from the Independent Socialists, to later becomes the KPD (communist party of germany).

  • German Gov moved to Weimar

  • Adolf Hitler finishes job of guarding Russian prisoners.

  • Period: to

    battle of Berlin

  • Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht murdered by Freikorps

  • Friedrich Ebert from the SPD and the first German president leaves office.

  • Philipp Scheidemann is appointed as chancellor

  • Kurt Eisner is assassinated, and Erhard Auer Attempted to be asesinated.

  • 2nd Battle for Berlin

  • Period: to

    Bavaria declared a Soviet Republic.

  • Battle of the Bavarian governments at Dachau (Communists defeat republican forces)

  • Battle for Munich between Communists and Freikorps units.

  • German representatives arrive in Paris.

  • City of Munich taken (approximately 1200 Communists killed)

  • German Delegation presented with the terms of the Treaty Of Versailles

  • Germany given ultimatum to sign Treaty of Versailles

  • Philipp Scheidemann (SPD) leaves office

  • Versailles Treaty signed in the Hall of Mirrors.

  • The Weimar Constitution is announced.

  • Adolf Hitler sent as Vertrauensmann to infiltrate the German Workers' Party.

  • Government stops paying Freikorps units.

  • NSDAP total party membership comes to 2,000.

  • Period: to

    Weimar Republic

  • First public meeting of the NSDAP ( German National Socialist Workers Party)

  • Gustav Bauer (SPD) leaves office

  • Adolf Hitler left the army.

  • 21 different Freikorps units, under the command of General Baron Oskar von Watter, annihilate the Ruhr Communist uprising in five days; thousands killed.

  • Period: to

    Kapp Putsch

  • Hermann Mueller (SPD) leaves office

  • NSDAP buys its first paper, the Voelkischer Beobachter

  • Constantin Fehrenbach (Center) leaves office

  • Adolf Hitler resigns from the party to force the hand of Anton Drexler not to unite with the DSP.

  • Adolf Hitler rejoins the party.

  • Adolf Hitler assumes leadership of the NSDAP. He becomes "Der Fuehrer".

  • Matthias Erzberger, (finance minister of 1920) gunned down by OC killers

  • Hitler and SA disrupt speech by Otto Ballestedt of the Bayernbund; beaten badly; Hitler with others arrested.

  • Dr. Joseph Wirth (Center) forms 2nd cabinet

  • 45,000 marks = 1 US dollar

  • 670 marks = 1 US dollar

  • 2,000 marks = 1 US dollar

  • 100,000 marks = 1 US dollar

  • Adolf Hitler sentenced to nine months.

  • 24th of june of 1922

    • Hitler Incarcerated
    • Walther Rathenau assassinated
    • German mark was 272 to 1 American dollar
  • Hitler released.

  • Benito Mussolini establishes his Fascist dictatorship in Italy.

  • Dr. Wirth leaves office

  • France and Belgium occupy the Ruhr to ensure payment of war reparations in kind. The Weimar government responds by funding 'passive resistance' of the workers through printing Papiermarks, further fueling hyperinflation.

  • 500,000 marks = 1 US dolla

  • Reichsbank buys back Papiermark; stabilizes value at 20,000 to 1 US dollar

  • 40,000 marks = 1 US dollar

  • 70,000 marks = 1 US dollar

  • 150,000 marks = 1 US dollar

  • Dr. Wilhelm Cuno (No party affiliation) Leaves office

  • 10,000,000 marks = 1 US Dollar

  • Period: to

    Prices reportedly rise hourly in several German cities.

  • 60,000,000 marks = 1 US Dollar

  • Dr. Gustav Stresemann (People’s) forms 2nd cabinet

  • General Alfred Mueller marches on Saxony to prevent a communist takeover.

  • Communist takeover of Hamburg

  • Beer Hall Putsch

  • Dr. Hjalmar Schacht was named ‘’Reichswaehrungskommissar’’.

  • Papiermark 4,200,000,000 = 1 US dollar

  • Dr. Stresemann leaves office.