The First World War and the Russian Revolution

  • Triple Alianza

    Triple Alianza
    A military alliance between Germany, the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and Italy. This coalition was aimed at countering French might in Europe
  • La primera crisis marroquí

    La primera crisis marroquí
    It erupted over the French claim to create a protectorate in Morocco, which was opposed by Germany and Spain, which also had interests in the area. Germany saw an opportunity to curb French colonial expansion and gain territorial gains for itself
  • Revolución Rusa

    Revolución Rusa
    It was a wave of mass political upheaval across large areas of the Russian Empire that occurred throughout the year
  • La Triple Entente

    La Triple Entente
    Ensuring the security and territorial integrity of Member States against possible attacks by other States
  • The Bosnian Crisis

    Archduke Franz Ferdinand's assassination of the Hungarian star who was to inherit the Hungarian Empire
  • Period: to

    Balkan Wars

    The Balkan Wars were two wars that occurred in southeastern Europe from 1912 to 1913. The first pitted the Ottoman Empire against the so-called Balkan League made up of Bulgaria, Montenegro, Greece and Serbia.
  • asesinato de franz ferdinad

    was assassinated in Sarajevo, the Bosnian capital
  • Period: to

    The outbreak of war

  • Austria declara la guerra

    Why Russia Declared War on Him and Why Russia Attacked Him
  • Alemania declara la guerra a Francia

    gracias a este echo se da inicio a la primera guerra munial
  • Battle of Verdun

    It helped hold the Western Front and prevent a German advance towards Paris.
  • abril

  • Revolución bolchevique

    He ended the tsarist empire in Russia, brought about the end of the Ancien Régime, and gave rise to the first self-proclaimed socialist state in history.
  • Govierno provisional Ruso

    Se formó en Petrogrado después de la abdicación del zar
  • Period: to

    the last phases of the war

  • Letonia se independiza de la Unión Soviética.