The First World War and the Russian Revolution

  • Triple Alliance

    The German Empire signed an agreement with Austria-Hungary and Italy.
  • The German Empire offered help to Morocco

    The German Empire offered to help Morocco against France, who wanted to establish a protectorate in the region.
  • The Algeciras Conference

    Authorised a Franco-Spanish protectorate, forced the Germans to back down.
  • Triple Entente

    France, Britian and Russia signed a mutual aid pact.
  • The annexation of Bosnia-Herzegoniva by Austria-Hungary

  • Balkan Wars

    Serbia allied with Russia and emerged as the victor. (1912-1913)
  • The outbreak of war

    Franz Ferdinand, heir to the Austro-Hungarian Empire, was assassinated in Sarajevo.
  • Serbia was accused of the assassination and declarate war.

    Austria-Hungary, encourage by Germany, accused Serbia.
  • Germany and France declare war to each other

  • Battle of Verdun

    The Germans launched a new offensive on the Western Front but were stopped by the French.
  • February revolution

    Called the February Bourgeois Democratic Revolution, in Russia.
  • March revolution

    Another revolution in Russia like the February revolution.
  • April Theses

    Lenin, returned to Russia from exile, and published his new ideas in the April Theses.
  • October revolution

    Was a revolution in Russia led by the Bolshevik Party of Vladimir Lenin that was a key moment in the larger Russian Revolution.
  • Elections were held for the Constituent Assembly.

    In November.
  • In March, tohse who supported the return of tsarism, took arms against the Soviet government.

  • An armistice was signed

    This bring the war to an end.
  • The Bolsheviks declared a Belarusian soviet republic in Smolensk

    Belarus after the Red Army overthrew the Belarusian Democratic Republic the day before. (In January).
  • Treaty of Versilles

    In June, was a peace treaty. As the most important treaty of World War I, it ended the state of war between Germany and most of the Allied Powers.
  • The red army won the war.

  • Founding of National