The First War World and The Russian Revolution

  • The Triple Alliance

    The German Empire signed an agreement with Austria-Hungary and Italy
  • Bloody Sunday and Moroccan Crise.

    A peaceful demonstration by the workers and peasants demanding the end of autocracy,but the tsar with brutal repression.The start of the Russian Revolution.
    By the other hand,in Morocco the German Empire offered to Morocco to help it against Grance
  • Algeciras Conference

    In it,autorised a Franco-Spain protectorate to Morocco.
  • Triple Entante

    The other big alliance of the First World War composed by France,Russia and United Kingdom.
  • Annexion

    Annexion of Bostnia-Herzegovina by Austria-Hungary
  • Period: to

    Balkan Wars

    The reasons of the Wars were basically politics,economics and culturals but most of the reason was the religion tension of the Serbians and Bostnian people
  • Outbreak of the First World War

    The duke Ferdinand was assasinated in Sarajevo by a serbian-bostnian
  • Declared War

    Austria-Hungary acussed Serbia off the assesination
  • Beginning of the First World War

    Germany declared war to France
  • Verdun´s War

    It was one of the most bloody battle in the 1WW,and it was which France abdicated the victory into Germany.
  • Fall of tsarism

    Demonstration by Women demanding peace and bread
  • Abdication

    The Tsar Nicholas II abdicate to the throne
  • Bolsheviks prepared an insurrection

    Rebels led by Lenin, occupied Petrograd and took the Winter Palace and overthrew the provisional goverment
  • USA and Lenin

    Wilson declared to the war
    Lenin went tom Petrogrado and started the revolution in the April Tesis
  • Elections for the Constitution Assembly

  • Sovietic Republic

    The Bolsheviks proclaimed Sovietic Republic
  • End of the First World War

    The Kaiser abdicate and Germany surrended
  • Conference in Versailles

    It was an agreement signed at the end of the war by more than 50 countries
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Was a treaty who was signed in France (Versailles) by more than 50 countries who was the sign of the end of the war
  • Rusian Civil War ended

    The Red Army won the war
  • URSS

    It was a federal state made up of several socialist republics