The First Amendment

By cjb4557
  • 1215


    When King John abuses his powers, nobleman revolt and demands fair rights.
  • Massachusetts General Court

    Massachusetts General Court
    The court adopts the first statement of American liberties.
  • Charter of Rhode Island

    Charter of Rhode Island
    The Charter allows religious freedom.
  • “full liberty of worship”

    “full liberty of worship”
    Connecticut passes the first dissenter statute and allows “full liberty of worship” to Anglicans and Baptists.
  • Virginia jails 50 Baptist

    Virginia jails 50 Baptist
    State of Virginia jails 50 Baptist worshipers for preaching the Gospel against the Anglican Book of Common Prayer.
  • Eighteen Baptists are jailed

    Eighteen Baptists are jailed
    Baptists wouldn't pay taxes to support a congregational church.
  • Thomas Jefferson

    Thomas Jefferson
    Thomas Jefferson completes his first draft of a Virginia state bill for religious freedom.
  • Virginia legislature

    Virginia legislature
    The Virginia legislature adopts the Ordinance of Religious Freedom
  • Northwest Ordinance

    Northwest Ordinance
    This was an act for the people that made the people happy. School was encouraged.
  • Virginia and Constitution

    Virginia and Constitution
    Virginia became the 11th state to approve of the first ten amendments.
  • President John Adams

    President John Adams
    Oversees the passage of the Alien and Sedition Acts.
  • 14th Amendment

    14th Amendment
    The 14th Amendment to the Constitution is ratified.