Toy train 3

The Evolution Of The Locomotive

  • Patent Of The Passenger Road Locomotive

    Patent Of The Passenger Road Locomotive
    Englishman, Julius Griffiths was the first person to patent a passenger road locomotive.
  • The Start Of The Construction Of The America's First Railroad

    The Start Of The Construction Of The America's First Railroad
    Stockton and Darlington Railroad Company started the first railroad construction and it was used for the transportation of passengers and goods.
  • The Lcomotive Comes To America

    The Lcomotive Comes To America
    George Stephenson creates a Locomotive for America and used it on the tracks created by the Stockton and Darlington Railroad Company. This train pulled six loaded coal cars and 21 passenger cars with 450 passengers over 9 miles in about one hour.
  • Trains Come To America

    Mr. Horatio Allen, a resident engineer of the Delaware & Hudson Canal Company, was studying the railroad activity of England, and decided to go there and have a look. Later, the first locomotive to be used in America was built.
  • The First American Train's First Trip

    The First American Train's First Trip
    The train traveled a distance of three miles from Honesdale to Seelyville and return.
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    Construction Of The Transcontinental Railroad

    This is the time frame of the construction of the transcontinental railroad.
  • The Race Between Horse And Train

    The Race Between Horse And Train
    There is a race to see what is faster, a horse, or a steam train. The train lost, however, the train and a load of people which probably slowed it down.
  • Old Ironsides Locomotive

    Old Ironsides Locomotive
    Matthias Baldwin placed his locomotive 'Old Ironsides' on the tracks in Philadelphia and made the first trip to Germantown by train. The distance was about ten miles
  • America Starts Making Iron Rails

    America Starts Making Iron Rails
    The first iron rails made in the United States were manufactured at Mount Savage. Before that, the iron rails came from england.
  • The Finished Transcontinental Railroad

    The Finished Transcontinental Railroad
    The last part of the transcontinental Railroad is laid conecting both sides o the U.S. by raiload.