The evolution of Televisions

  • Karl Ferdinand Braun invents the cathode ray tube.

    Karl Ferdinand Braun invents the cathode ray tube.
    The first cathode ray tube scanning device was invented by the German scientist Karl Ferdinand Braun in 1897. He introduced a cathode-ray tube with a fluorescent screen, known as the cathode-ray oscilloscope. The Inventors
  • Period: to

    The Evolution of Television

  • The 1920s gave us the mechanical television.

    The 1920s gave us the mechanical television.
    The first model had a small display on the right, and a huge cabinet. These first TVs were very simple, in comparison to our technology today. They implemented peculiar shapes. Such as the octagon television. Although the technology was impressive, the video quality was not. Facial features were not recognizable unless makeup was worn in a specific way.
  • Charles Francis Jenkins transmitted moving silhoutte images for witnesses.

    Charles Francis Jenkins transmitted moving silhoutte images for witnesses.
  • John Logie Baird publicly demonstrates the worlds first mechanical television system in London.

    John Logie Baird publicly demonstrates the worlds first mechanical television system in London.
  • In the 1930s we saw more refined televisions.

    In the 1930s we saw more refined televisions.
    With better designs and resolution. This decade saw a giant leap in video quality. From 100 scan lines at the start of the decade to 405.
  • NBC becomes the first network to introduce regular television broadcasts.

    NBC becomes the first network to introduce regular television broadcasts.
  • Cable television was developed.

    Cable television was developed.
  • The 1940s brought us even higher resolutions.

    The 1940s brought us even higher resolutions.
    Including, the NTSC standard, of 480 lines of resolution and better audio. In the 1940s it was difficult to produce CRT screens larger than 12 inches. So big screen TVs implemented projection techniques.
  • The 1950s brought us the short-lived porthole televisions.

    The 1950s brought us the short-lived porthole televisions.
    Most importantly, it brought us the NTSC color standard. But, not many color televisions were sold until the following decade.
  • NBC makes the first coast to coast color television broadcast.

  • The first portable Television set- The Sony TV8-301 – was produced.

    The first portable Television set- The Sony TV8-301 – was produced.
  • The sales of color TVs boomed in the 60s.

    The sales of color TVs boomed in the 60s.
    They were now more affordable and the colors were more vivid. The high-end TV sets also included a new invention. The remote control.
  • The transition to COLORED television.

  • The 1970s brought TV designs for every taste and need.

    The 1970s brought TV designs for every taste and need.
    There was the upgradeable television with easily accessible circuit boards. The futuristic televisions. Which implemented curvy design patterns. The colorful TVs that looked more like toys. And the portable combos. Which normally included radios and cassette decks.
  • HBO, the nations first successful pay cable service launches.

  • The 1980s was the end of the TV as furniture era.

    These were replaced with color projection TVs with larger screens and minimalist cabinets. The Space Command was one of those color projection TVs. The 1980's gave way to the first LCD TVs. They were tiny and pixelated, but it was a huge step forward. Portable CRT TVs were a lot more affordable and included additional functions.
  • This decade was all about Sony's Trinitron technology.

    This decade was all about Sony's Trinitron technology.
    As Sony's patent had run out, all competitors were free to use the technology. TV/VCR combos became really popular in the 1990's. They included FM radio and VCR. In the 1990's, Casio continued to improve their portable LCD TVs. A preview of one of the biggest tech of the following decade was introduced at the end of the 1990's. The flat HDTV. Priced around $7,000.
  • Throughout the 2000's CRT TVs were still very popular.

    As they were inexpensive and could access HD channels using a converter box. During this decade, LCD tech was finally able to compete with Plasma. Giving us LCD HDTV's. Then LED TVs arrived. To make the TVs more immersive. Through the decade, HDTV's became pretty smart. They were able to display content from your computer. As well as connect to different services on the internet.
  • 4K, LED and 3D.

    4K, LED and 3D.
    4K, LED and 3D had just been introduced. Curved screens became the premium feature for a few years. It was meant to reduce glare and improve immersion. By taking advantage of our peripheral vision. This works well for computer monitors. But it is barely noticeable on TVs. Something truly impressive was the introduction of wallpaper TVs. These are almost as thin as a credit card.
  • 2020 promises many new technologies.

    2020 promises many new technologies.
    Such as the rollable TV. It is completely hidden when it's off and when it's on, it grows to the size of the content or application. Avoids the black bars in extra-wide movies. The transparent glass TV is another discreet TV technology. But it will likely be used more for decoration than for entertainment. While the double sided TV will be great for gaming or for commercial applications.