Tech imagedownload

The Evolution of Technology in Education

  • Overhead projector

    Overhead projector
    In 1930 the overhead projector beat out the chalk board for most used classroom tool
  • Videotape

    The film projector was made obsolete by the video tape in 1951
  • Photocopier

    In 1959 the ohotocopier makes "light" work of make copies, sending the mimio graph back to the tar pits.
  • Filmstrip Viewer

    Filmstrip Viewer
    Films could now be viewed on frame at a time in sequence with this handy dandy machine.
  • Hand held calculator

    Hand held calculator
    In 1970 the first hand held calculator was introduced. This displaced the slide rule as well as the old paper and pencil.
  • CD ROM

    CD ROM
    All sorts of data and images becane possible to save and be easily accessed through this little wonder. Who needs books with pictures now?
  • Graphing calculator

    Graphing calculator
    No more need to theororize what x cubed looks like or mess up a piece of graphing paper
  • Interactive whiteboard

    Interactive whiteboard
    WOW no more need for chaulk, makers or even someone to clean up
  • iPad

    Goodbye desk tops, laptops, graphing calculators and keyboards!