Watson vs. City of Cambridge
A student was expelled from school because he was determined to be a student who could not benefit from an education. The case was ruled in favor of the school, where the courts stated that a child weak in mind and could not benefit from instruction, was troublesome to other children and was unable to take ordinary, descent physical care for themselves should be denied access to school. -
Beattie vs. Board of Education
A student with cerebral palsy who drooled and was unable to control facial contortions was expelled from school because his/her condition had a depressing and nauseating effect on the teacher and students. The courts ruled in favor of the school and the student was removed from the school. -
Pennsylvania Association for Retarded Citizens vs Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
The Pennsylvania law states that any child who has not attained the mental age of five years by the start of 1st grade could be denied services by a public school. In 1971, the case was brought to courts and settled with the issuance of a consent decree where the state of Pennsylvania agreed to provide a free public education for children with mental retardation. -
Section 504
Section 504 was established to protect the rights of individuals with disabilities and prohibit any discrimination. One of the key factors with this law is the prohibition of discrimination of any state or local programs that receive any type of financial assistance from the government. -
Education for All Handicapped Children Act
Education for All Handicapped Children Act was the reauthorization of Public Law 94-142 that established to guarantee children with disabilities ages 5-21, a free appropriate public education. All children with disabilities enrolled public school are provided with special education services at no cost. Children with disabilities are also educated in the same academic setting as non-disabled peers in the least restrictive environment and provided with a individualized education plan. -
Public Law 94-142
Public Law 94-142 was the first law to guarantee a free appropriate public education for all children with disabilities. The implementation of the law guarantees that children with disabilities be education in the least restrictive environment with their non-disabled peers in the mainstream setting. -
Education for Handicapped Children Act: Preschool, Infants, and Toddlers
Education for Handicapped Children Act was extended to include preschool aged children and infants ages 0-5. This expansion encompasses infants and toddlers with disabilities with the equal opportunity to a free, appropriate public education and an Individualized Family Service Plan. The idea of early intervention was also established to identify children with disabilities and intervene to provide children with services and programs to help in the development of basic skills. -
Americans with Disabilities Act
Americans with Disabilities Act is the legislation signed by President Bush to remove all barriers and discrimination and guarantee all individuals with disabilities with the same equal opportunity as others. Under the Americans with Disabilities Act, individuals with disabilities are also provided with an equal opportunity in the areas employment, public accommodations, transportation, state and local governments, and telecommunications.
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Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
provides students with disabilities with an equal
opportunity to a public education in regular schools.Under this law, students classified as having a disability that falls under one or more of the thirteen disability categories and are from ages 3 to 21. The law on schools is the inclusion,
protection, and equal opportunity that students with
disabilities have in education and provided education in the mainstream setting. -
Every Student Succeeds Act
Every Student Succeeds Act signed by President Obama reauthorizes the No Child Left Behind Law to establish the equal opportunities for students with disabilities to be assessed using the general state assessment and alternate assessments. With this law, it prohibits states from creating their own alternate or modified assessments for students with disabilities.
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