Railroad Timeline

  • First Public Railroad

    First Public Railroad
    The first public railroad was High Rock Lake Train. It was built in1796 but first operated in 1798. It is not known for sure if it is really the first public railroad.
  • Patented Railway Track

    Patented Railway Track
    Charles Fox patented railway track. This helped the wheels of the train be more dependable and controllable.
    (The picture shows what the track used to look like.)
  • First Refrigerated Railcar

    First Refrigerated Railcar
    The first refrigerated railcar known to have been built in the U began service in 1851. This made it possible to transport more goods that need a certain temperature. (The picture shows what the railcar would contain.)
  • Period: to

    The Golden Age

    The Golden Age happened around 1860-1900. This is where automobiles and planes became popular. Which caused the rail network to peak, covering about 254,000 miles.
  • Pacific Railway Act

    Pacific Railway Act
    The Pacific Railway Act made it so the Central Pacific could build a railroad from California to Sacrament which created the Union Pacific Railroad Company which was able to build toward the Missouri River. (The picture shows where the railroad was.)
  • Railway Strike

    Railway Strike
    The railway strike stopped railroad trains from reaching across the country. The strike was over how the workers of the train were treated and how they were overworked. (The picture shows the railway system that was stopped.)
  • Railroad Company Teams Up

    Railroad Company Teams Up
    Two main companies made railroads and were both hoping to get land to connect it to their rail networks that ran throughout America. The two companies choose to connect their rail networks together by a Promontory Summit (Which can be found in Utah.) This event happened in 1896. (The picture shows what the railroad looked like.)
  • The Government Gained Control Of Railroads

    The Government Gained Control Of Railroads
    The government gained control of railroads during WW1 and made them so the public couldn’t use them in 1917. The trains that were left over from the war were in terrible condition.
  • France's Speed Train

    France's Speed Train
    France began using their high-speed train. It had an average traveling speed of 213 km/h and a top speed of 300km/h. (The picture shows what they train looked like.)