the evolution of educational technology

  • 4000 BCE

    The Prehistoric Period "Paintings and Cave Wall"

    The Prehistoric Period  "Paintings and Cave Wall"
    According to some scientists,
    these paintings are part of a ritual. However, some of them claims that it has no purpose.
  • 3300 BCE

    The Prehistoric Period "Use of Sticks and Sharpened Tools"

    The Prehistoric Period "Use of Sticks and Sharpened Tools"
    These tools were made of stone, bone and wood. They were used for hunting, preparation of food, making clothes and as a weapon.
  • 3100 BCE

    The Prehistoric Period "Cuneiform"

    The Prehistoric Period "Cuneiform"
    Cuneiform is a system of writing first developed by the ancient Sumerians of Mesopotamia. It is the world's oldest writing.
  • 3000 BCE

    The Prehistoric Period " Hieroglyph and Papyrus"

    The Prehistoric Period " Hieroglyph and Papyrus"
    Hieroglyph, a character used in a system of pictorial writing, particularly that form used on ancient Egyptian monuments. Hieroglyphic symbols may represent the objects that they depict but usually stand for particular sounds or groups of sounds. The ancient Egyptians also used the stem of the papyrus plant to make sails, cloth, mats, cords, and, above all, paper. Paper made from papyrus was the chief writing material in ancient Egypt
  • 105

    Inventions " Paper"

    Inventions " Paper"
    Paper was first made in Lei-Yang, China by Ts'ai Lun, a Chinese court official. In all likelihood, Ts'ai mixed mulberry bark, hemp and rags with water, mashed it into pulp, pressed out the liquid and hung the thin mat to dry in the sun.
  • 868

    Inventions " Diamond Sutra"

    Inventions " Diamond Sutra"
    The Diamond Sutra, which conveys the words and advice of Buddha to his disciple, Subhuti, went down in history as the first book published in the world, written in Chinese in 868 AD. It is also described as a religious book in some sources.
  • 1440

    Inventions "Printing Press"

    Inventions "Printing Press"
    It was invented by Johannes Gutenberg. The first books to ever be printed on Gutenberg's press was his, now famed, 'Gutenberg Bible'.
  • The Public Education Era "First Public Education"

    The Public Education Era "First Public Education"
    The Boston Latin School, established in 1635, was the first school in what is now the United States. Although it has changed locations, the public school is still operating toda
  • The Public Education Era " The Horn Book"

    The Public Education Era " The Horn Book"
    A sheet containing the letters of the alphabet was mounted on a wooden frame and protected with thin, transparent plates of horn. The hornbook originated in England and served the function of teaching children to read, learn math or to receive religious instruction.
  • The Public Education Era "Blackboard and Chalkboard Slates"

    The Public Education Era "Blackboard and Chalkboard Slates"
    In this era teacher wrote it on the blackboard and the students write these in their chalkboard slates with chalk.
  • The Public Education Era " Invention of the Pencil"

    The Public Education Era " Invention of the Pencil"
    The modern pencil was invented in 1795 by Nicholas-Jacques Conte, a scientist serving in the army of Napoleon Bonaparte. The magic material that was so appropriate for the purpose was the form of pure carbon that we call graphite.
  • Using Real Objects

    Using Real Objects
    Pestalozzi designed object lessons in which children, guided by teachers, examined the form (shape), number (quantity and weight) of objects, and named them after direct experience with them. Object teaching was the most popular and widely adopted element of Pestalozzianism.
  • Use of Camera Obscura

    Use of Camera Obscura
    The camera obscura was used to study eclipses without the risk of damaging the eyes by looking directly into the sun. As a drawing aid, it allowed tracing the projected image to produce a highly accurate representation, and was especially appreciated as an easy way to achieve proper graphical perspective.
  • Froebel Gifts

    Froebel Gifts
    Froebel developed special educational toys for his Kindergarten schools. They were so named because they were both given the the child (to be properly respected as gifts) and also function as tools for adults to observe the innate human "gifts" each child posseses from birth.
  • The Magic Lantern

    The Magic Lantern
    The magic lantern is the first projector in history, the ancestor of today's slide projectors.
  • se of Multi Sensory Materials

    se of Multi Sensory Materials
    Multisensory instruction is a way of teaching that engages more than one sense at a time. Using sight, hearing, movement, and touch gives kids more than one way to connect with what they are learning.
  • The Audiovisual Age "Radio"

    The Audiovisual Age "Radio"
    Educational radio is the first electronic medium educators used to teach at a distance.The number of studies listed and the variety of research questions are indicative of the ubiquity and popularity of the use of radio in education.
  • The Audiovisual Age "The Teaching Machine"

    The Audiovisual Age "The Teaching Machine"
    In 1924, Sidney L. Pressey created a crude teaching machine suitable for rote-and-drill learning.
  • The Audiovisual Age "Film Strip Projector"

    The Audiovisual Age "Film Strip Projector"
    In the field of education, film strip projectors were considered desirable because they were light weight, inexpensive, and easy to operate
  • The Audiovisual Age "Overhead Projector"

    The Audiovisual Age "Overhead Projector"
    An overhead projector, like a film or slide projector, uses light to project an enlarged image on a screen, allowing the view of a small document or picture to be shared with a large audience.
  • The Audiovisual Age "Videotapes"

    The Audiovisual Age "Videotapes"
    It was an essential part of the audiovisual age. Teachers used this to show something in the class.
  • The Information Age "Whiteboard"

    The Information Age "Whiteboard"
    A whiteboard is a glossy, usually white or black surface for making non-permanent markings. Whiteboards are analogous to blackboards, but with a smoother surface allowing rapid marking and erasing of markings on their surface.
  • Using Television Vcr and Vhs tape in Classrooms

  • Using Audiotape in Classrooms

  • The Computer Age "Learning Management "System"

    The Computer Age "Learning Management "System"
    A Learning Management System (LMS) is an online integrated software used for creating, delivering, tracking, and reporting educational courses and outcomes. ... Schools use LMS software to plan, implement, facilitate, assess, and monitor student learning. Its first example is teaching machines.
  • The Computer Agee "Smart Board Interactive White Board"

    The Computer Agee "Smart Board Interactive White Board"
    The Smart Board is an interactive whiteboard. It was introduced in 1991, and the boards are now used in classrooms, lecture halls, group meetings and presentations across the world.
  • The Digital Age

    The Digital Age
  • The Internet Age "Using Laptops"

    The Internet Age "Using Laptops"
    Since we entered the internet age, computers play an important role in our lives. In education, it is useful to use a laptop.
  • The Internet Age "Ipads"

    The Internet Age "Ipads"
    With the advancement of technology, ipads have somehow replaced notebooks.