The events that led to the failure of Absolutism

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    the petition of rights

    The parliament write king Charles I a petition that limit the king's power, which includes the four following rules;
    No taxation without the consent of Parliament
    no imprisonment without cause, no forced quartering of subjects, and finally no martial law during peacetime.
    this proves that the parliament challenged the king's actions and choices as a king and were ready to fight him if he does not follow the rules. ultimately, the parliament is stronger than the monarchy.
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    Parliament kills king Charles I for treason

    This is one of the events that granted the nobility power and showed the public that the power lies in the hand of the Parliament instead of the monarchy. King Charles I was convicted of treason by his enemies and executed by the parliament where he was sentenced to death. His death would forever symbolize the power of the parliament who decided it and his helpless family behind who were replaced by another elected king named Cromwell, whose blood does not run in Charles I's family.
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    Parliament's election of Oliver Cromwell as ruler

    The parliament showed its power again when they rejected Charles I son to come to power, and choose one of their member called Oliver Cromwell to rule. their ability to elect whoever they want, again shows their power that ultimately, was the reason why the absolutism failed.
  • Glorious revolution

    political and religious* The parliament overthrew the King James II, who dissolved and tried to make a new government, attempting to practice absolutism and challenge the power of the Parliament.
    The parliament teamed up with the Dutch ruler who attempted to invaded England to overthrow Charles=he fled out of the country and agreed to a "free" Parliament.
    this event is significant because it shows how strong the parliament is; it makes the king exile and even bring enemies in to invade England.
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    Parliament invites William and Mary to rule England for religious cause

    One of the most remarkable moments in the history of the English parliament was when they choose to invite William and Mary to take the throne because they are Protestants and that is for the goal to replace the Catholic Monarchy ruled by the previous king. The Parliament has the ability to re-elect new kings for their own reasons- religious ones in this case-which shows their strength and power as compared to the monarchy.
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    the bill of rights

    the bill of rights was signed after the exile of James II who once tried to fight back the Parliament. the 13 laws in this bill represent all the rights the members of the Parliament grant against the monarchy which ultimately limit the king's power, politically and economically ( according to the law that prevents the king from taxation for personal gain)