the events of partition from 1940-47.

By hamood
  • Lahore Resolution

    In an extempore speech he presented his own solution of the Muslim problem. He said that the problem of India was not of an inter-communal nature, but manifestly an international one and must be treated as such.To him the differences between Hindus and the Muslims were so great and so sharp that their union under one central government was full of serious risks. They belonged to two separate and distinct nations and therefore the only chance open was to allow them to have separate states
  • civil disobdience movement

    On October 13, 1940 Gandhi declared his line of action in the Working Committee of Congress. . Individuals were selected from groups and they were assigned to raise anti war slogans in the streets and got themselves arrested. By the end of the year, five to six hundred persons were imprisoned. Although some top most Congress leaders were arrested during the campaign but it was not turned into a national revolt. There was no disorganization, no mass protests and the average Congressman.
  • Quit india movement

    The All India Congress Committee passed its ‘Quit India’ resolution on August 8, 1942. The demand was to declare India immediately as an independent country. Then a provisional government would be formed with the cooperation of the major parties whose primary duty would be defense of India and resistance against aggression.The provisional government would also form a constituent assembly for preparing the Constitution for the federation in which the units would enjoy largest measure of autonomy
  • Gandhi-Jinnah Talks

    Quaid-i-Azam explained the basis of the demand of Pakistan.“We maintain”,he wrote to Gandhi,“that Muslims and Hindus are two major nations by any definition or test of a nation.We are a nation of a 100 million. We have our distinctive outlook on life and of life but of the rest of India lies in the division of India as proposed in the Lahore Resolution.Gandhi on the other hand maintained that India was one nation and saw in the Pakistan Resolution Nothing but ruin for the whole of India
  • Wavell Plan and Simla Conference

    In May 1945, Lord Wavell, the Viceroy of India, went to London and discussed his ideas about the future of India with the British administration. The talks resulted in the formulation of a plan of action that was made public in June 1945. The plan is known as Wavell Plan. though it did not last long and All this resulted in a deadlock. Finally, Wavell announced the failure of his efforts on July 14. Thus the Simla Conference couldn’t provide any hope of proceeding further.
  • Cabinet Mission Plan

    The purpose of the mission was:
    Preparatory discussions with elected representatives of British India and the Indian states in order to secure agreement as to the method of framing the constitution.
    Setting up of a constitution body.
    Setting up an Executive Council with the support of the main Indian parties
    but cabinet mission failed due to it proposed for weak Centre .but congress wanted strong Centre, which has been demanding Cripps India proposal. congress demanded removal of league members.

    The boundaries of Pakistan emerged on the map of the world in 1947. This was accomplished on the basis of the Two-Nation Theory. This theory held that there were two nations, Hindus and Muslims living in the territory of the Sub-continent. Sir Syed Ahmad Khan was the first exponent of the Two-Nation Theory in the modern era. He believed that India was a continent and not a country, and that among the vast population of different races and different
    creeds, Hindus and Muslims.