The Enlightenment Revolution

  • Period: to

    Enlightenment thinkers

  • Publication of the Social Contract

    Publication of the Social Contract
    The social contract follows the idea of freedom being a right given at birth. It also states that a group of citizens are considered to be a sovereign.Link text
  • King Louis XVI becomes king

    King Louis XVI becomes king
    The new king was 20 years of age when he took the throne of France. Though he entered his reign with the hopes of helping the people but it shows that his attempt was unsuccessful. Instead of helping he only set his country into further debt.
  • Estates General meets

    Estates General meets
    On this day the 3 estates also known as the clergy, nobles, and commoners got together at Versailles to discuss tax and the reformation of their country. This event leads to the estates being split apart. [Link text]
  • The Tennis Court Oath

    The Tennis Court Oath
    On this day members of the third estate locked them selfs in a vacant tennis court. Members of the group vowed that they would not leave the court till they had written a new constitution that would benefit everyone. Link text
  • Storming of the Bastille

    Storming of the Bastille
    during this event, a state prison known as the Bastille was attacked by a group of citizens that were angry about the current king's treatment of the french people and the way their basic rights were being treated. Link text
  • Publication of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen

    Publication of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen
    On this day the declaration of the rights of man and citizen was past the declaration being past marked the change of civil human rights in France.Link text
  • Period: to

    Haitian revolution

  • Slaves rise up on northern plantations of St. Domingue

    Slaves rise up on northern plantations of St. Domingue
    St. Domingue was a very well profiting sugar island. slaves living on the island were overworked, underfed, and mistreated in many other violent ways. After a lifetime of mistreatment from those who controlled them an army of slaves led by Toussaint L'Ouverture uprose to overtake the plantations. link text
  • Publication of Vindication of the Rights of Women

    Publication of Vindication of the Rights of Women
    The Vindication of the Rights of Women was a women's rights piece written by Mary Wollstonecraft. The piece stated that to men women only exist to please she also brought forth the idea of women being given equal opportunities to men.Link text
  • King Louis XVI executed by guillotine

    King Louis XVI executed by guillotine
    King Louis XVI was executed by guillotine after the French king was accused of conspiracy with foreign powers. The king's execution was held publicly in the Place de la Revolution in Paris.Link text
  • Slavery is outlawed in the French colonies, including St. Domingue

    Slavery is outlawed in the French colonies, including St. Domingue
    The outlaw of slavery in the European countries began in France. It also was then outlawed in St. Domingue.Link text
  • The Directory takes control of France

    The Directory takes control of France
    The Directory was a governing 5 member committee. They set up a constitution that lasted for four years until they were overthrown by Napoleon Bonaparte and then replaced by the French consulate.Link text
  • Period: to

    French Revolution

  • War of Knives begins for control of St. Domingue

    War of Knives begins for control of St. Domingue
    This day commenced the start of the war of knives. A war fought using only swords that lasted five years in St. Domingue. There was vast bloodshed from both sides during the civil war. Rigaud the man that started the war with the people of St. Domingue fleed to France after the people of the island uprose after their leader was imprisoned after surrendering to French troops.Link text
  • New constitution in France put up for a vote, declares revolution over

    New constitution in France put up for a vote, declares revolution over
    The new constitution was written by the national assembly. The constitution kept the idea of monarchy but sovereignty was to be replaced with a Legislative Assembly. Along with this About half of the adult men were allowed to vote for local officials. This new constitution only lasted about half a year. Link text
  • Toussaint L’Ouverture proclaims a new constitution in St. Domingue and is declared Governor for Life

    Toussaint L’Ouverture proclaims a new constitution in St. Domingue and is declared Governor for Life
    On this day a new constitution in St. Domingue was seen and there now governer for life Toussaint L'Ouverture took to power. The new constitution worked to establish the island as an equal to France. During this slavery on the island was abolished and all individuals born there were considered equals.Link text
  • Dessalines creates the flag of Haiti

    Dessalines creates the flag of Haiti
    The first flag of Haiti was created by Jean-Jacques Dessalines in 1803. the flag featured solid color red and blue halves making the flag a very simple design.
  • Dessalines proclaims Haiti’s independence

    Dessalines proclaims Haiti’s independence
    On this day Dessalines the governor-general proclaimed the island of St.Domingue an independent country and changed its name to Haiti.Link text
  • Period: to

    The revolutions of Latin and South America

  • Mexico declares independence from Spain

     Mexico declares independence from Spain
    On this day Mexico declared its independence from Spain. In doing this the people hoped to create a sovereign government that would take into court their interest much like the American government. This declaration then lead to the Mexican war for text
  • Simon Bolivar arrives at Merida, Venezuela

    Simon Bolivar arrives at Merida, Venezuela
    Simon Bolivar a South American independence leader entered Venezuela where he was then proclaimed the liberator of Venezuela. He was given this tile after he had helped keep Spanish troops away from Venezuela. Link text
  • Peru declares independence

    Peru declares independence
    During this time Peru also declared its independence from Spain. This angered Spanish troops leading them to attack the newly separated Peru.Link text
  • Gran Columbia formed

     Gran Columbia formed
    Gran Columbia was formed after New Granda declared independence from Spain. The country once included Venezuela and Ecuador but they split from Columbia soon after.Link text