Enlightenment Philosophes
Some Enlightenment Philosophes were Hobbes, Locke, Rosseau, Voltaire, Montesquieu. They contributed to our society by helping write the Social Contract, separating the government (Legislative, Executive, Judicial branch), and beleieving in the Natural Rights. This is part of the age of reason because these important people where actually part of the time period. -
The Revolution
The Revolution was a war between America and Britiain. America ended up winning and the thirteen American Colonies broke away from the British Empire and formed an independent nation. This event goes back to the Enlightment period because, since the British were treating the American Colonies unfairly it made the Americans mad to the point of war. America was asking themselves if war was the only way to break free and become independent. -
The Grievence of Britian in the American Colonies
This event happened during the Seven Years war, when the British was trying to pay back large debts because of the war by taxing the American colonies. Britian taxed them by starting several acts.These acts are part of the reason why we started the American Recolution. This goes back to the age of reason because the colonies hed to find what they need to do to be free from Brtiain by using logic. -
The Decloration of Independence
The Decloration of Independence was a document writen that formally gave the USA independence. This document goes back to the age of reason because when it was written we had to go through and come up with ideas of what we needed for becoming an independent state, and why we wanted to become independent. -
The Article of Confederation
It was a document made by the 13 original colonies that established the United States of America as a confederation of boarder states and served as its first constitution. goverment. -
Founding Fathers
They were politacal leaders who were part of the American Revolution. They founded the new nation afrer we won our independence. The fathers had a huge inpact on the American Revelution, Articles of Confederation, and the Constitution. This goes back to the enlightment ara because the fathers were trying to write the Constitution. They had to ask themselves why we needed one and what it should do for the USA. -
North West Ordinance
The North West Ordinance was the first organized territory of United States land beyond the Appalachain Mountains. The five states Congress divided was Ohio, Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin, and Michigan. This was necessary because it stated that newly added states to the Union were just as equal as the rest. -
The Constitution
The Constitution was created to replace the Articles of Confederation. The purpose of the Constitution was to limit the power of the federal government, and to protect the natural rights of the Americans.( life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness) The Constitution goes back to the Enlightment period because the Founding fathers came up with the idea of making a better document to protect the US citiznes. -
Federalists and Anti-Federalists
Federalists were the people who liked what the Constitution had to say. They wanted a loose government. Alexander Hamilton and James Madison were Federalists. The Anti-Federalists wanted the complete opposite. They disagreed with the the Constituition and they wanted a very stable government. Some Anti-Federalists were Edmund Randolph and Patrick Henry. They go back to the Enlightment because they were using their knowlege of the goverment to see what side they fit better on. -
The Bill of Rights
This was a document that listed the first ten amendments of the USA. Those ten are our most important amendemnts, which we must follow and abide by. This document goes back to the enlightment because we were trying to improve the USA by making it a safer and more equal place to live in.