The Enlightenment

  • The English civil war begins

    The English civil war begins
    The excuted Charles the 1st and a new esatblishment was made under Oliver Cromwell
  • Period: to

    The Enlightenment era

  • Thomas Hobbes

    Thomas Hobbes
    Hobbes publishes the Leviathan
  • The English civil war ends

    The English civil war ends
  • The Glorious Revolution overthrows James the 2nd

    The Glorious Revolution overthrows James the 2nd
    James the 2nd was overthrowned for being a catholic in protestant community (basically all of England) Being overthrowned his Protestant duaghter took the throne with her husand William of Orange
  • The Englsih Bill of Rights

    The Englsih Bill of Rights
    The bill of rights being drafted helped the parlimentary power and personal liberties as well sparking a light for science, art , philosphy, and etc to happen in England
  • Locke publishes Two Treatisis on the Goverment

    Locke publishes Two Treatisis on the Goverment
    To inform and help promote represenitive goverenment
  • Montesquieu publishes the Persian letters

    Montesquieu publishes the Persian letters
    Help him with trying to make France go into a republic system
  • Voltaire publishes Philosophic letter to England

    Voltaire publishes Philosophic letter to England
    He did it to talk about the problems France were facing at the time
  • Rousseau publishes the Social Contract

    Rousseau publishes the Social Contract
    attempted to unite the liberty individuals to the government
  • Holbach publishes, Systems of Nature

    Holbach publishes, Systems of Nature
    Making observations and testing many things, Holbach stated that the universe was made up of matter
  • The American Revolution begins

    The American Revolution begins
  • Immanuel Kant publshes his Critique of Pure Reason

    Immanuel Kant publshes his Critique of Pure Reason
    He oberserves the human mind and checks on how it relates to nature
  • Enlightenment Philosopher Condorcet published a treatise on the rights of women

    Enlightenment Philosopher Condorcet published a treatise on the rights of women
  • The French Revolution begins

    The French Revolution begins
    The people overthrowing Louis XVI and the one that came after him for one reason only. They all showed lack of leader ship. Examples could be finacial problems, food shortages, and etc.
  • The publishing of The Declaration of the Rights of Women were published

    The publishing of The Declaration of the Rights of Women were published
    As it was said that women had the same natural rights as men they granted them just that, by Marie Olympo de Gouges
  • Thomas Paine's first doc was written (Rights of Man)

    Thomas Paine's first doc was written (Rights of Man)