The Early Life Of Adolf Hitler

  • the early life of adolf hitler

    the early life of adolf hitler
    Adolf Hitler was born on April 20th 1889 in a smal Austrian town called Braunau, near the German border
  • death of a father

    death of a father
    hitler fathers Alois died when hitler was thirteen and so there was no strong influence to keep him at school when he was older
  • school report

    school report
    hitlers final school report
  • developed a hatred towards jews

    no mounth for this hatred towards jews
  • homless

    hitler is homeless in vienna
  • Hatred towards jews

    there is no real mouth when started this hatred
  • hatred of jews

    hatred of jews
    hitler become wraped and his hatered of jews-know an Anti-semitism had become set
  • escape

    in atempt to escape his misery.Hitler tried to join the austrian army.he faild his medical
  • the ending of war

    the war ended disastrously for hitler in 1918 he was stil convinced that germany was wining the war along with many other germans
  • 1923

    over that humer told people what hitler had ben like at school p.s i really dont know the day and mounth
  • did time

    hitler went to jail dont know the real mounth and day
  • mid 1930s

    hitler met with the futer British prime Minister, Sir Anthony Eden there is no mounth or day when it said they had met
  • Success and a Suicide

    hitlers suiced was a sucess