The Early Catholic Church in Australia

  • First Fleet Arrives

    The first ship with convicts arrive at Australia.
  • Fr James Dixon

    Conducted first Roman Catholic mass
  • First public Catholic mass

  • The Castle Hill uprising

    The Irish fought the British wanting to go back to Ireland.
  • The rum rebellion

    Officers and men over threw the governor (William Bligh).
  • Jeremiah O’Flynn

    A priest that influenced the British government to send the first official Roman Catholic missionaries
  • The beginning of Catholic education

    First catholic school was built.
  • William Davis

  • Fr John Therry

    He built multiple churches in Australia, which expanded the Catholic Church.
  • Fr Philip Connolly

  • First Catholic Church in Tasmania

  • John Bede Polding

    First Roman Catholic Bishop
  • St Mary’s Cathedral

  • Eureka stockade

    Gold miners rebelled against the government laws.
  • The Marist brothers

    Started school, so they can care and provide.