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The Discovery of DNA- Doyle, Liam

  • Friedrich Miescher

    Friedrich Miescher
    Isolated "Nuclein", DNA associated proteins.
    First to distinct DNA as a molecule.
    "As a boy he was shy but intelligent", I thought this was interesting because I am very similar. He achieved greatness despite his shyness.
    This photo represents the original discovery of DNA, and the process by which it came.
  • Frederick Griffith

    Frederick Griffith
    Bacteria can transform & change function.
    (Mouse Experiment)
    He was born in Hale, England. This is a place I have always wanted to visit.
    This photo models the experiment carried out by Mr.Griffith.
  • Barbara McClintock

    Barbara McClintock
    Genes are responsible for turning physical characteristics on & off.
    She attended Erasmus Hall High School, which is where one of my great Aunts graduated from!
    This shows the process of recombining DNA.
  • Oswald Avery, Maclyn McCarty & Colin McCleod

    Oswald Avery, Maclyn McCarty & Colin McCleod
    Found that DNA is the material of genes & chromosomes.
    McCarty attended Stanford University, which is one of my top schools.
    This shows how the experiment to determine that DNA contained genetic material.
  • Erwin Chargaff

    Erwin Chargaff
    Found that A & C should be equal and that A & T should be equal, within DNA.
    I thought it was interesting that he immigrated to the United States and became so successful during such a rough era (Nazi).
    The picture models the rule determined as result of the experiment.
  • Rosalind Franklin & Maurice Wilkins

    Rosalind Franklin & Maurice Wilkins
    Discovered 2 forms of DNA (A & B) and Photo 51.
    Wilkins parents were vegetarians, similar to my mother.
    This is photo 51, which helped determine the structure of DNA.
  • James Watson & Frances Crick

    James Watson & Frances Crick
    Discovered the model for the double helix structure of DNA.
    He was very interested in bird watching. My grandparents love bird watching!
    This picture of the structure of DNA represents their discovery of DNA's structure; a double helix.
  • Matthew Meselson & Franklin Stahl

    Matthew Meselson & Franklin Stahl
    Proves DNA is "semiconservative".
    Stahl was born on a Tuesday, like me!
    The picture shows the model of semi-conservative DNA, which is the reason for his fame in the realm of DNA.
  • Linus Pauling

    Linus Pauling
    Discovered the spiral structure of proteins.
    He dropped out of high school to attend Oregon State University. I dropped out of Stem to go to West.
    This is the sketch of Linus Pauling after discovering the structure of proteins.
  • Alfred Hershey & Martha Chase

    Alfred Hershey & Martha Chase
    Proved that Phage DNA is not a protein, but the genetic material.
    She died of pneumonia, I've had pneumonia 3 times.
    This shows the experiment to prove the Phage is a genetic material.
  • Paul Berg

    Paul Berg
    Discovered the ideas of recombinant DNA, gene splicing.
    First to combined genes from different organisms.
    He went to Penn State around the same time as my grandpa!
    This follows the process that Mr. Berg took to gene splice.
  • Frederick Sanger

    Frederick Sanger
    Developed a method to determine the order of bases in a structure of DNA.
    He was a religious man, as am I.
    This is a representation of his experimenting, and shows the process of ordering bases.
  • Kary Mullis

    Kary Mullis
    Production of copies of DNA.
    (Polymerase chain reaction)
    I thought it was interesting that he claims drugs such as LSD helped his studies.
    The picture is a model of his Polymerase Chain Reaction.
  • J. Craig Venter

    J. Craig Venter
    First draft of the human genome
    He was named one of "The World's 50 Most Influential Figures 2010", so cool!
    This is the process of creating a human genome as followed by Mr. Venters