Machine Language
This was the first generation language that changed the way the world looked at machines. This allowed machines to be programmed by people to do jobs that were harmful to humans and it could do the jobs at a much faster rate. How ever this language was long and tiring to right and feed in to the computers. This language was usually written in 1’s and 0’s that represented on and off switches. groups of 8, 1’s and 0’s in a specific order made up a letter or number. It was made in the 1940 to 1959 -
Assembler Language
This was the second genaration language that made coding some what easyer. It started making the long machine cod shorter in terms of code. for example ADD Z was a cod of assembler language that was copliled and tranlated in to mechine code. this languge was between 1958 to 1990 -
High level Languages
This language was one that used english like statments to code. they made coding way more easy to use and where much more simpler ti understand. this was the third genaration languge. some examples of them are c# and c++. This programs neede things called compilers and translators to convert them in to low level machine language for the computer to understand. -
Object-Oriented Programing Languages
This is the forth generation Language. It is basically the the same as the third genaration language but made more simple and is more oject oriented meaning it uses images of things as ojects that you can click on like buttons and so on.it was developed in the 2000's and is still been used to day -
DataBased Oriented Language
This is the fifth generation languge. this is also really close to the third and fourth generation languages. the only notacible diffrents is that this languges are even more developed to protect and store data. One examples of this languages are SQL.