
History of Phonology

By sebas22
  • 400

    4th century BC

    4th century BC
    Phonology may seem to be a modern practice all about comparing Geordies with Scousers but it can actually be traced back to the 4th Century BC when a grammar of the ancient Indian language "Sanskrit" was composed. This was one of the first steps into phonological research, but there were many more developments to come before linguists reached the stage that we are at today.
  • Introduction of the Phoneme concept

    Introduction of the Phoneme concept
    The Polish linguist Jan Baudouin de Courtenay introduced the concept of the phoneme. This is unofficially thought to be when the modern study of phonology started.
  • The Prague Shool

    The Prague Shool
    The Prague School became one of the most influential schools of its time. of linguistics. It consisted of a circle of linguistics including Nicolai Trubetzkoy and Roman Jackobson.
  • The sound pattern fs English.

    The sound pattern fs English.
  • Natural Phonology

    Natural Phonology
    David Stampe wrote his dissertation on Natural Phonology. In it he contests the idea that the phonological system is built on a system of rules and instead he says that phonological adquisition is a matter of suppressing habits that we are born with.
  • Autosegmental Phonology

    Autosegmental Phonology
    John Goldsmith
    John Goldsmith introduced Autosegmental Phonology.
  • Government Phonology aims.

    Government Phonology aims.
    Government Phonology aims to provide an account for phonological phenomena by replacing the rule component of phonology with a restricted set of universal principles and parameters
  • Optimality theory

    Optimality theory
    Optimality theory was proposed by Alan Prince and Paul Smolensky.
  • Today

    Today Government Phonology is still considered in th UK whereas Optimality theory has a wider following in North America.