Emperor Constantine's conversion to Christianity
Edict of Milan establishes official toleration of Christianity
Donatism splits from Catholicism and spreads throughout Africa
Council of Nicea
Constantine builds a church to the apostle Peter on the Roman cemetery where the martyr is buried
Death of Constantine
Christianization and literalization of the Goths (Ulfila and the "Gothic bible")
Saint Athanasius is the first to list all 27 New Testament books in his festal letter.
Visigoths convert to Arian Christianity
the Visigots sack Rome
Ecumenical council held at Ephesus refutes Nestorianism.(The doctrine that Christ was two persons (one human, the other divine) in one body). Mary is declared Theotokos i.e. 'God-bearer' or more commonly, 'Mother of God'.
Theodosius II dies and Marcian succeeds him, the first Roman emperor to be crowned by a religious leader (the patriarch of Constantinople)
the fourth Ecumenical Council convened in Chalcedon condemns Dioscurus of Alexandria for monophysitism (Jesus is of one nature, only divine) and affirms that Jesus was one person of two natures (both human and divine)
Roman emperor Valentinian III orders all bishops to submit to the bishop of Rome (the pope)
the eastern Roman emperor is crowned by the patriarch of Constantinople instead of the Pope
Exiguus calculates the year in which Jesus was born as 533 years before his year and inaugurates the Christian calendar
Ecumenical council at Constantinople affirms teaching of previous councils.
Sep 9, 1095
Pope Urban II authorises the first Crusade to recover the Holy Land from Moslems.
Sep 9, 1534
Henry VIII's Act of Supremacy makes the king, not the pope, head of the Church of England.
Sep 9, 1540
The Society of Jesus is approved by the Vatican. Founded by Ignatius Loyola, the Jesuit order places its services entirely at the disposal of the pope.
Sep 9, 1572
The Saint Bartholomew's Day Massacre in France witnesses the killing of tens of thousands of Protestant Huguenots by Catholics.
Second Vatican Council begins, the most significant council since Trent. It will promote new attitudes and practices in Catholicism.
Martin Luther King, Jr., a Baptist minister, leads a march on Washington espousing the teachings of Jesus in a civil rights movement that affects all American.
the Visigoths abandon Arianism and convert to catholicism
Saint Jerome begins a translation of the Bible into Latin.
the Roman empire bans Arianism
Theodosius I proclaims Christianity as the sole religion of the Roman Empire
Following a mission authorised by Pope Gregory I, St. Augustine becomes the first Archbishop of Canterbury.
Charlemagne is crowned emperor of the Holy Roman Empire by Pope Leo III.
Conversion of Prince Vladimir in Kiev. Growth of Christianity in Russia.
the Visigothic king Recared converts to catholicism