The Death of Lincoln's Assasin

  • Lincoln delivers his Second Inaugural Address, with Booth among those present.

    Lincoln delivers his Second Inaugural Address, with Booth among those present.
    booth was at the inauguration on a balkony above lincoln. he states he was as neer to him as i am to you.
  • Booth and his conspirators plan to kidnap Lincoln.

    Booth and his conspirators plan to kidnap Lincoln.
    booth had a plan to kidnap lincoln for the south. and failed with it and stuff
  • The Civil War ends with General Robert E. Lee’s surrender at the Appomattox courthouse.

    The Civil War ends with General Robert E. Lee’s surrender at the Appomattox courthouse.
    a genral surenders to the union booth gets super sad and starts getting closer to the assasination
  • Booth Shoots Lincoln

    Booth Shoots Lincoln
    booth shoots Lincoln in the back of the head at fords theater
  • Abraham Lincoln Dies

    Abraham Lincoln Dies
    the day after Lincoln was shot he died in a bed in the house across the streat
  • Atzerot Accidentally Reveals himself

    Atzerot Accidentally Reveals himself
    Atzerot revels himself in a bar while he was drunk
  • Dana Ignores an Important Tip

    he got a tip from someone forgot who
  • The Man-hunters Investigate the Mudd Residence

    mudd gets interrogated and tells some of the truth
  • Lincoln's Funeral

    Lincoln's Funeral
    lincolns body was taken to a house with stairs open funiril
  • Atzerot is Arrested

    Atzerot is Arrested
    arrested after he made the mistake in the pub
  • Booth and Herold wait in the Pine Thicket for Another Day

    they take time and stay longer because of booths broken foot
  • Booth and Herold Set Sail for Virginia (Again)

    booth and herold set sail for Virginia and went the wrong way and had to go again the right way this time
  • Booth & Herold Meet the Soldiers and Cross the Rappahannock

    3 soldiers find herold and booth that are against the union and cross the Rappahannock with them
  • Lafayette Discovers that Booth is in Virginia

    Lafayette finds out that there in Virginia and gets there fast
  • The Cavalry Arrives in Virginia

    the Calvary com es super fast and makes it 1 day behind booth but he stayed at the garrets and they catch up with them
  • Death to the assasin

    booth got shot in the neck and paralized by Sgt. boston corbett , booth died slowly after the shot