the Day of Lincolns death

  • morning routine 7am wake up until 8

    At 7 am President Lincoln arise and was ready for the day. It was a beautiful day and Lincoln even said so himself as the fresh scent of flowers crept through his windows lighting up the whole white house. Lincoln was awake and ready to tackle the day. He called for a cabinet meeting and even included Ulysses S. Grant to the cabinet meeting. As the Presidents day went on it got even more busy. He had guest coming in 24/7 coming to speak to him. .
  • 10 pm until 12pm

    At 10pm all carouse started. As Mary (Lincolns wife) sat very close to her husband. Just moments before that John Wilkes Booth stood behind Lincoln with a gun pointed behind Lincoln’s head and shot the president in the back of the head. People claimed that Booth yelled either “freedom” or "Sic Semper Tyrannies.” The first doctor to arrive on the scene was a 23-year-old named Charles Leale. Charles said that the wounds were to great to the president’s.
  • mid morning 8 am to 9 am

    . As usual the President sat down with his wife and kids at 8am and he had 1 egg and one cup of coffee. His wife brought up the idea of going to the fords theater to watch a play, Ulysses S. Grant got invited by the president’s wife but declined it. Lincoln had one odd guest in particular visit him. This man was Senator John P. Hale, This man’s daughter was john Wilkes booth’s fiancée. President Lincoln himself invited the former senator to the movie along with his daughter and fiancée.
  • noon until 2pm

    At 12 o’clock noon Lincoln is having a cabinet meeting discussing how to put the south on their feet again. This cabnit meeting took 3 hours and ended around 2pm. After the cabinet meeting Grant went to Lincoln privately and told him why we wouldn’t be able to attend the play tonight after that Lincoln later told his wife why Grant couldn’t come and went back to work. The president later met with Andrew Johnson to discuss some issues, then he had a meeting with a former slave.
  • 4 pm until 6 pm

    After Lincoln finished his days of work around 4pm he wanted to go for a carriage ride. On this carriage ride the president enjoyed going to see all the sights in D.C. A former solider asked to shake the presidents hand and Lincoln granted that wish for the young man. He also went to the nay yard, and Lincoln stepped on the deck of the monitor Montauk. After his long carriage stroll he headed back to the white house around 6pm, and the president was looking for a person to invite to the theater.
  • 6pm-6:30pm

    At 6pm two of the president’s friends had accepted the invitations. That night Lincoln ate dinner with his family and received word that Clara Harris and Major Henry Rathbone had accepted the invites and will be joining the Lincolns to the theater.
  • 7pm until 8:00

    . At 7pm William H. Crook (this is Lincolns personal body guard) was told to be relived 3 hours late by John F. Parker which Parker was told to be with Lincoln while he was at the movies. Crook found this odd that he was relived so early but followed orders. Every night when Crook goes to bed President Lincoln would say goodnight to Crook and Crook would say goodnight back. But the night of leaving for the theater the President said “Good-by Crook” Instead of saying goodnight. Which was usual.
  • 8:05 pm till 8:30

    At 8:05 the president and his wife leave to pick up their guests for the theater. They road in a white carriage, Lincolns wife wore a black and white stripped silk dress and Lincoln word a black suite with a pull over coat. Once the guests are picked up they make their way to the theater and arrive around 8:30pm. The play had already began so the president was arriving late with his guest’s.
  • 8:30 pm until 9 pm

    Once the president sat down the whole theater started to clap for him and the band started to play hail to the chief. Their booth was located on the third floor and secluded from everyone else. Lincoln felt chills all night and had to put his coat back on after he had taken it off. At 9:00pm Lincolns body guard decided that going to the bar for a drink was a good idea just before the last act of the play was going to begin.
  • Lincolns last moments

    recommended that they move him to a house to rest in. The bullet wounds entered 3 inches behind the left ear and about 7 ½ inches into his head. Lincolns final resting place was in a house across the street which ironically booth had stayed in that exact house a month ago. Lincolns last minutes were cold and slow. He died peaceful at 7:22 am.