The Critical Era Of American History

  • the seige of Yorktown

    the seige of Yorktown
    General Cornwallis surrendered to the Continental army
  • American Revolotionary War

    American Revolotionary War
    -Began on April 19th 1775
    -Bloodshed and battle ended in 1781 however the offical war ended on April 11th 1783
  • Outlaw of Slavery

    Outlaw of Slavery
    Mass. Supreme Court says slavery was unconstitutional so they outlawed it. All slaves were freed
  • The Treaty of Paris

    The Treaty of Paris
    Ended the American Revolutionary War between Great Britain and the United States of America. France, Spain and the Dutch Republic had separate agreements; for details of these, and the negotiations which produced all four treaties.
  • Newburgh "Conspiracy" (1783)

    Newburgh "Conspiracy" (1783)
    Soldiers in the Continental Army were not paid regularly throughout the war and the money they did receive was often worthless due to inflation. Some high-ranking officers, Congressional nationalists, discussed possibility of using the army to force the states to surrender more power to the national
  • State of Franklin

    State of Franklin
    Some of the northeastern colonies were turned into a "state" with the intent of making it the 14th territory. Eventually this territory was given to North Carolina
  • The Land Cessions

    The Land Cessions
    Virginia gave up her claims to the land northwest of the Ohio River with the exception of certain large tracts which she reserved for her veteran soldiers. Massachusetts ceded her claims in 1785. The next year (1786) Connecticut gave up her claims.
  • Shays Rebellion

    Shays Rebellion
    In Massachusetts, especially, the discontent was very great. The people were angry with the judges for sending men to prison who did not pay their debts. Crowds of armed men visited the judges and compelled them to close the courts. The rebellion ended in 1787
  • Annapolis Convention

    Annapolis Convention
    Set to settle issue of interstate commerce.
    Only 5 states showed up.
    Alexander Hamilton gained a commitment to call upon Congress to summon a convention the next year in Philadelphia.
  • The Ordinance of 1787

    The Ordinance of 1787
    In the first place the ordinance provided for the formation of one territory to be called the Territory Northwest of the Ohio. But it is more often called the Northwest Territory or simply the Old Northwest. At first it was to be governed by the persons appointed by Congress. But it was further provided that when settlers should arrive in sufficient numbers they should enjoy self-government. When fully settled the territory should be divided into five states.
  • The American Constitutional Convention

    The American Constitutional Convention
    Convention in Philadelphia, made up of representatives from each of the colonies except Rhode Island. The Constitution of the United states was framed
  • Federalist Paper 10

    Federalist Paper 10
    written by James Madison about "factions"
  • Federalist paper 51

    Federalist paper 51
    to appropriate checks and balances written by James Madison
  • Deleware Ratifies the U.S. Constitution

    Deleware Ratifies the U.S. Constitution
    Deleware ratifies the U.S. Constitution
  • The Ratification of Rhode Island

    The Ratification of Rhode Island
    On this date, Rhode Island became the 13th state to enter the Union after ratifying the Constitution.