The Creation of Limited Monarchy

  • Jan 1, 829


    Egbart is the first monarch in English history
  • Jun 14, 1215

    The Magna Carta

    The Magna Carta
    This document was one of the first know examples of people challenging the absolute rule of the king
  • Dec 13, 1241

    Parliament is Formed

    Parliament is Formed
    Parliament was formed as a way to challenge the power and rule of the king
  • English Civil War

    English Civil War
    The war was a battle that helped grow the parliament's power over absolutism.
  • Execution of Charles I

    Execution of Charles I
    Charles was disrespecting parliament and was killed
  • English Bill of Rights

    English Bill of Rights
    This document stated that the Parliament had more power than king
  • Two Treatises

    Two Treatises
    A book opublished by Locke that shared his many ideas on government