The Mexican War Ends and Northern Mexico is annexed to the U.S.
Mexico and the U.S. both wanted territory over Texas. The U.S. won that battle. -
Congress agrees to the Compromise of 1850
Congress couldn't decide if California should be a free or slave state. (www.mce.k12tn.net/civil_war/compromise_of_1850.htm) -
Congress passes the Kansas-Nebraska Act
Over ruled the Missouri Compromise and allowed slavery in northern territories. (www.loc.gov/rr/program/bib/ourdocs/kansas.html) -
The Supreme Court rules against Dred Scott
Sued for his freedom. The gov't believed Blacks were not citizens weather they were free or a slave. (library.thinkquest.org/J0112391/dred_scott.htm) -
Lincoln wins the presidential election, leading S.C. to secede
He thought it would be better if you just paid a debt you didn’t owe. (www.abrahamlincolnsclassroom.org/library/newsletter.asp?ID=140&CRLI=197) -
The Civil War begins at Fort Sumter, S.C.
Thought the fort would delay the attack. Lincoln planned to send supplies to Ft. Sumter. (http://www.civilwar.org/battlefields/fort-sumter.html) -
Battle at Bull Run
Winfield Scott wanted to advance the troops. Had a successful attack but the south won a victory. (http://www.civilwar.org/battlefields/bullrun.html) -
Battle of Shiloh
Tried to scared the defenders away from the river.The Union launched a counterattack which ran them away. (http://www.civilwar.org/battlefields/shiloh.html) -
Emancipation Proclamation takes effect
Declaring all slaves free in the gov’t’s eyes. (http://www.civilwar.org/150th-anniversary/emancipation-proclamation-150.html) -
Battle of Vicksburg
To capture a position/power during the Civil War. (http://www.nps.gov/hps/abpp/battles/ms011.htm) -
Battle of Gettysburg
Wanted to influence Northern politicians to give up hope of war. (http://www.gettysburgfoundation.org/37) -
Lincoln reelected
So Lincoln can serve another 4 years in Office. Getting the majority vote. (http://lincolnandslavery.com/lsjom/events/landmark-events/105-lincoln-re-elected-president-of-the-us.html) -
Sherman’s March to the Sea
To show the world that the union had power the Confederates could not resist. (http://www.sonofthesouth.net/leefoundation/shermans-march-to-the-sea.htm) -
Lee surrenders to Grant
Lee had no other choice other than to die. The Union trapped Lee’s soldiers. (http://www.civilwar.org/battlefields/appomattox-courthouse/appomattox-court-house-history/surrender.html) -
Lincoln assassinated
John W. Booth shot him in the back of the head during a play. In hopes to throw the U.S. gov’t into disarray.(http://www.alincoln-library.com/lincoln-assassination.shtml)