
The Civil War

  • The battle of fort sumter

    The battle of fort sumter
    The confederates won this was the first major battle of the western theater,This happened in Charleston harbor.
  • The battle of Bull Run

    The battle of Bull Run
    The confederates won it happened in manassas junction,Virginia.This was the start of the war.
  • The battle of Glorieta pass

    The battle of Glorieta pass
    IT happened in New Mexico,Gettysburg of the west for stopping confederate invasion of New Mexico territory.The union won this battle.
  • Battle of Shiloh

    Battle of Shiloh
    The union won,happend in southwestern Tennessee,bloodiest battle of the war.
  • The battle of antietam

    The battle of antietam
    The union won it happened in antietam creek.It was the bloodiest day in America.
  • The battle of Fredericksburg

    The battle of Fredericksburg
    The confederates won this battle it happened in Fredericksburg.This was Lee's greatest victory of the war.
  • The battle of Chancellorsville

    The battle of Chancellorsville
    The confederates won.It was the first confederate victory.Shows the war will be long.
  • The battle of Vicksburg

    The battle of Vicksburg
    The union won and it happened in Mississippi. This union victory made the confederacy split in half.
  • The battle of Gettysburg

    The battle of Gettysburg
    The union won it was the bloodiest day in America,it happened in Pennsylvania.
  • Battle of Appomattox

    Battle of Appomattox
    The union won and it was the end of the war.It happened in the Appomattox court house