Civil War Kicks Off
The Civil war is started by the south attack fort Sumter -
Lincoln request army
Lincoln request for an army. He called for 500,000 men because he knew it was going to be a long fight. -
First Battle Of Bull Run
Moniter Vs. Merrimack
USS Merrimack battles the ironclad USS Moniter -
Battle Of Shiloh
The Seven Days
After seven days of fighting General Robert E. Lee Attacks George McClellan Union Army -
Second Battle Of Bull Run
The battle of Antietam is the bloodiest day in American history. Over 25,000 men were killed, or wounded. The battle Stops Lee Invasion of Maryland -
Started July 1st finished on July 4th. General Meade defeated Lees. (One of the bloodiest battles in this war) -
Battle Of Chickamauga
General Rosecrans is defeated by Confederate General Bragg. -
Union army under General Burnside suffers a very bad defeat at the Battle of Fredricksburg In Virginia. -
Battle Of The Wilderness
During the Battle Of The Wilderness thousands of man burn to death as the woods they were fighting in catch on fire