• first battle of bull run

    first battle of bull run
    the first battle of bull run happened on July 21, 1861union forces marched to Richmond the souths capitol and on the way to Richmond the union forces got attacked and got pushed into an creek called bull run where they got ambushed by confederate general stonewall Jackson where he held his forces until reinforces arrived
  • battle of Shiloh

    battle of Shiloh
    the battle of Shiloh was an crucial victory for Union Army general Ulysses Grant's Army of the Tennessee marched to take an vital hill that was in the way of the union army's way
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    Second Battle of Bull Run

    the second battle of bull run was an important victory for the confederates because it made robert e lee more of an popular general and
  • battle of Antietam

    battle of Antietam
    the battle of Antietam was and important victory for the union because it would halt the confederates from moving into maryland and capturing it
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    the battle of fredericksburg

    the battle of fredericksburg was important to the confederacy because it was the first battle of the civil war that had urban warfare and because the union soldier where bitter because of there loses they pillaged the town of fredericksburg
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    Battle of Stones River

    the Battle of Stones River was an important victory for the union army because when they won the battle it was a huge boost of morale for the union because the union was feeling down
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    Battle of Chancellorsville

    the Battle of Chancellorsville was important for both the union and the south because the confederacy won the battle but the union mortally wounded one of the south great generals general stonewall jackson
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    siege of vicksburg

    the siege of vicksburg was an important victory for the union because if they one this siege they got control of the mississippi river which was vital for the south because they could transport troops and also supplies to other troops
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    the battle of Gettysburg

    the battle of gettysburg was the most important battle in the civil war because it was an huge battle and it was important because it halted lees army that was going to take maryland and also because it was lees first defeat of the war and also and huge win for the union
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    Battle of Chickamauga

    the Battle of Chickamauga was important victory for the confederates because it marked the end of an union defensive that had been going on for 2 days and in those 2 days it was an disaster for the union
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    Battle of the Wilderness

    the battle of the wilderness there was no inclusive winner but the union suffered more casualties then the confederate but this battle was important because it was one of the most violent battles of the war and also because after this battle Ulysses S. Grant was the new leader of the union army
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    Battle of Spotsylvania Courthouse

    the Battle of Spotsylvania Courthouse was an inconclusive both sides say they won the confederates say they won because they held there ground and also the union say they won because the confederates had more casualties
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    Battle of Cold Harbor

    the Battle of Cold Harbor was an important victory for the confederate because they pushed back general ulysses s grant army and pushed them back over the james river
  • Battle of Atlanta

    Battle of Atlanta
    the Battle of Atlanta was an important victory for the union because atlanta was and important railway city for the confederates because atlanta had railroads to richmond the confederate capitol and if the union got atlanta they cut of supplies to richmond