Period: 2001 BCE to 2009 BCE
President George W. Bush
Period: 1993 BCE to 2001 BCE
President Bill Clinton
Period: 1989 BCE to 1993 BCE
President George H. W. Bush
Period: 1981 BCE to 1989 BCE
President Ronald Reagan
Period: 1977 BCE to 1981 BCE
President James Carter
Period: 1974 BCE to 1977 BCE
President Gerald R. Ford
Period: 1972 BCE to 1974 BCE
Period: 1969 BCE to 1974 BCE
President Richard M. Nixon
1964 BCE
Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party requesting seating at the Democratic
Period: 1963 BCE to 1969 BCE
President Lyndon B. Johnson
Period: 1961 BCE to 1963 BCE
President John F. Kennedy
Period: 1954 BCE to 1973 BCE
The Vietnam War
Period: 1953 BCE to 1961 BCE
President Dwight D. Eisenhower
Brown v. Board of Education
Period: to
Montgomery Bus Boycott
Federal troops to Little Rock, Arkansas
Sit-ins in Greensboro, North Carolina and Nashville, Tennessee
Freedom Riders
Martin Luther King, I Have a Dream
John F. Kennedy assassinated
Malcolm X, The Ballot or the Bullet
Assassination of Malcolm X
Selma to Montgomery Marches
Voting Rights Act
Period: to
President Barack Obama